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If they say they will kill you in your sleep theyre a psychopath

Bernice said she will kill you in your sleep.Shes a psychopath

by hi im 11000 October 10, 2020


Something that every edgy 12 year olds think they are

Person 1: a psychopath has lack of guilt and empathy...
12 Year old: i knew i was a psychopath, this just confirmed it
Person 1: Shut the fuck up!

by fuckgang February 15, 2018


Short term mating strategy is the strategy of PsYcHoPaThS!!!

Hym "If women aren't drawing the line at criminal or retard or children or animals... Why do you think they would draw the line at psychopath? They'll draw the line at baby dick retards, animals, children, and psychopath? Nah. How is that deterring anyone from doing anything? Weak sauce."

by Hym Iam February 11, 2024


“My BrAiNs ArE mAdE oF sHiT aNd PsYcHoPaThS aReN’t SuCcEsSfUl!” ~ Doctor JeepJorp Peepeestones

Hym “Poor people aren’t successful. Most people aren’t successful. And for a Psychopath to be successful you would need to know not know that they are psychopaths. And now you’re thinking “I’m A cLiNiCiAn! I wOuLd KnOw! I’m Dr. JeEpJoRp!” and, yes, but you’re also a bad clinician and you’re full of shit. So... there’s that....Anywho, there was this guy who was on Joe Rogan’s podcast and he told this story about a clinician who did a bunch of tests on psychopaths. He developed a test and gave the test to 100 people. He found that one of the people who took the test was a psychopath (by his own metric). The psychopath was HIM! And not me Hym but HIM, him. He was one of the 100 and he failed his own test (Which is why you can’t take your own test). He’s a psychopath and is successful.

And now you might say “ThAt’S aNeCdOtAl! I wIsH mY dAuGhTeR wAsN’t A sLoOt!” And you may be right. Unless we consider Price’s Law 😏☝️ If it applies to psychopaths, then there are bound to be some psychopaths who are Pareto distribution beneficiaries. You wouldn’t know that they are psychopaths. THEY might not even know they are psychopaths! The majority of Psychopaths aren’t successful because the majority of PEOPLE aren’t successful. And in the context of you adopting the qualities of a psychopath, I think it’s safe to say that being a Psychopath IS a good long term strategy. So.... Wrong again DerpDork! God I’m smart. I’m way better at your job than you are too! And now you’re thinking “WeLl I jUsT jErRyMaNdEr ThE dEfInItIoN oF ‘Success’ aGaIn! My StUpId AnImAl FaNbAsE wHo CaN’t ThInK wOn’T nOtIcE!” And.... You’re right! Both of those things will happen. Also, if Neuroticism is the marker for psychopathy then women are more psychopathic than men. And where do women go too far? What do women need to change? “NoThInG! wOmEn JuSt NeEd To StOp TrYiNg To DeStRoY mY rEpUtAtIoN! i’M nOt A fRaUd AnD a ChArLaTaN! i’M dR. GeEpGoRp!” Baaaahahahahahahahahaaa! Bwahahahahaha! Ha!”

by Hym Iam November 5, 2022

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If the amount of these ever gets to 5% or more then then we're not going to have a good time...

Hym "I mean... It seems obvious to me (for obvious reasons) but.. if the name of the game is 'subjugate the psychopaths' wouldn't it make sense to usurp the centralized authority? You know... So you don't have the be subjugated? Redefine all the words... Create the moral structure by which everyone lives... Is that not obvious to anyone but me? Oh... Nevermind. That's probably wrong. Actually. That is wrong. The opposite of that is true. They would never do that and I'm not a psychopath... A perfectly sane individual... Yeah... It's fine. We're fine. Everything's gravy baby... *Sigh* Shit... Why do I say things...."

Iam "Hey."

Hym "....."

Iam "What's up?"

Hym "......."

Iam "Were you talking to somebody? IS THERE SOMEBODY ELSE HERE!?!?"


Iam "Umm... Ok..."


Iam "Nothing! I'm sorry! Did I miss something!?"

Hym "........ You just keep you mouth shut about this...."

Iam "A... Alright..."

by Hym Iam April 30, 2022

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See, he makes the distinction between "Criminals" and "Psychopaths". Which means: He's perfectly willing to use compulsion on non-criminals.

Hym "So... Who counts as a 'Psychopath'? Well, anyone Jordan Peterson says is a psychopath but NEVER HIM. It's couldn't ever possibly be him. EVEN IF the traits he uses to describe how psychopaths behave apply to him more than they do the people he accuses of being psychopaths. For example: He has said that it's a combination of low agreeableness (So people who refuse to do things they don't want to do. Such as, I donno, refuse to uses the words he's told to use or acknowledge someone he doesn't want to acknowledge) and low conscientiousness (So, let's say, your office is a mess that never gets cleaned). He has said 'psychopaths need to move around a lot' (Which he has according to his daughter). He even has a test to determine whether or not you're a psychopath which he has used to kick people out of his class without their knowledge before they had done anything... BUT HE CAN'T TAKE THE TEST!

He can't take it because he can know how to 'ALTER THE RESULTS SO THAT THE TEST SAYS WHATEVER HE NEEDS IT TO SAY' or it would show he's a psychopath but that's besides the point because that can't be the case! He can't be a psychopath because that would mean the HE NEEDS TO BE AND IS JUSTIFIED IN BEING COMPELLED TO, OH I DON'T KNOW, USES HIS STUDENTS PRONOUNS REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT HE'S BEING MANIPULATED. BY HE OWN LOGIC! That's what he doesn't seem to get. The rules of his profession are "you need to give affirmative care" and like a psychopath he refuses to do it because he doesn't want to. Now he needs to be compelled. But wait... His whole claim to fame is the belief that the government doesn't have the right to compel his speech 🤔 But he (like a narcissist) has afforded him the right to compel anyone who doesn't pass his personality test and believes that IT'S NECESSARY."

by Hym Iam March 16, 2023


“Aren’t successful... unless, of course, they ARE successful... in which case, they aren’t psychopaths.... because the marker for psychopaths is... Um... success... Yeah, that’s right... Success... I know I said it was low conscientiousness and then I changed my mind to neuroticism... but now it’s success... because I’m the one who decides such things.... I’m not a charlatan, I swear!” ~ The Lord God Almighty Dr. Professor Prophet Jordan Benihana Peterson

Hym “You see him just changing the criteria at a whim, right? It’s not just me? Because when he talks about psychopaths all of the shit applies to himself... and then he changes what constitutes a psychopath to cover his own ass... like... yeah I exploit people in a callous (you meant callous not callow) way but... I’m successful... So I can’t be a psychopath because psychopaths aren’t successful... I mean... it’s not like a wrote a book that read like it was written by Dennis Renalds... My daughter didn’t say I moved around a lot... just ignore the people who don’t affirm my world view... and if you don’t... I’ll conspire with the government officials I’ve ingratiated myself with and silence them.... because I’m not a psychopath... as a matter of fact, all of that is the exact opposite of what a psychopath would do! That’s what a prophet does! I’m a prophet and my wife has prophetic dreams!!!”

by Hym Iam November 14, 2022

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