Wow- look at those kids making that flesh pyramid! They really outdid the Egyptians.
A form of nipple play in which one individual pinches another individual's nipples with such force that they begin to bleed.
Honey, you are so fantabulous at Crushing the Pyramid!
when 2 Mexican studs fuck a girl, one in her mouth, one in her pussy or ass while high fiving forming a pyramid.
my wife asked if my Mexican buddy and I were high fiving while we both fucked her from the front and the back. we said no, we were just forming a Mexican pyramid.
other wise known as sporting an erection in a pair of silk pyjamas or boxer shorts.
You nearly took my eye out with that silky pyramid!
Pitch a tent, erect a silky pyramid!
1. A pyramid of pokes.
2. When IMing your friends, you might decide to spam them with this.
3. Used in a Poke War to win.
4. Total spam that is in the shape of a pyramid... containing the word: poke.
Example Of A Poke Pyramid:
This is a complete Poke Pyramid. Also used as spam. :) This took me sooo long!!!!
The different levels of relationships with women.
At the bottom is the brother zone
On the same level is the No Relation Zone, where you dont even know the girl meaning you at least have 1% chance with her.
Next level is the friendzone
Then the talking stage
Which can lead back down a step or up to the Dating Stage.
From here you can go down or stay on the same level, but moved to the Friends With Benefits category.
Finally cuz the Cuffed level. The very peak where you can look down at the hieroglyphs of the suckers that could not achieve your greatness
We broke up but I didn't fall on the Relation Pyramid. We just occasionally hook up now
Combines "pyramid" as in pyramid sales, and guilting, to provide a collective descriptor for all those items of social media content that seek to get themselves viral by exploiting human decency and empathy.
Individually they are generally good and moral, but as a collective phenomenon, they are experienced as moral blackmail and only cause empathy fatigue and insidious alienation from the causes they seek to promote.
That pyramid-guilt post was trying to suggest I wasn't loyal to my friends unless I liked, shared and copy-paste posted it to everyone.
Pyramid guilting is usually bad and wrong and 'poor me' attention-seeking but, just sometimes, it really is done for a sufficiently good cause.