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A mix between remembering and memorizing (:

I rememberize you from summer school. I rememberize that song from somewhere!

by iriznit October 3, 2006

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Adj., A word used to describe something that can't be remembered due to outstanding circumstances.

All the best 21st birthdays are un-rememberable

by TokingBeaver October 31, 2010

national vine rememberance day

october 19 ..the day we all quote and remember our favorite and beloved vine.

M:do you know what today is?
M:its national vine rememberance day

by deeedeeee April 18, 2018

John Mak rememberal week

this week is made by students in 2020-2021 1D class, because of the change of summer timetable to winter timetable. Their Math teacher Mr. John Mak is change to Br. Jude. But everyone 1n 1D loves Mr. John Mak and for his leave, they made this week.

Student A: Wait!!!!!!! Why is the timetable saying our Math teacher is changed to Br. Jude!?!?!?!?
Student B: NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Student A posted the timetable at WhatsApp*
ALL Students at WhatsApp: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Student C: We must make this week the John Mak rememberal week!!!!!!!!!!

by LSC spy November 15, 2020

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

INSTRUCTIONS - while water is boiling smash the fuck out of your bag of shrimp TOP RAMEN but be careful to not just throw bag on the ground like you would normally do because remember this one is missing your bag of seasoning. Dont want to fuck up your


INSTRUCTIONS - while water is boiling smash the fuck out of your bag of shrimp TOP RAMEN but be careful to not just throw bag on the ground like you would normally do because remember this one is missing your bag of seasoning. Dont want to fuck up your spread by throwing your noodles all over your cell. Then add blue text

by bluetextman July 30, 2021

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I know things, remember?

A somewhat well known quote from the My Chemical Romance fanfiction ’A Splitting of The Mind’.

It is a phrase used by Gerard Way in the fanfic and is quite recurring in the fic as well as appearing in a quite important part of the ending, which is most likely the reason it’s become somewhat of an inside joke in the MCRmy.

β€œI know things, remember?”
β€œOh, god, why did you make me remember that traumatic fic?!”

by xXHeadfirstxxForxxHalosXx February 14, 2024

Remember The Beat

Remember the time RTB lost to a yuumi?

He's such a Remember The Beat

by Potatomanguy69420 March 5, 2021