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An adjective describing degree of sarcasm.

Chemical engineering is an easy course to study, I said in a sarcastic tone

by Ibrahim Christopher October 18, 2019


A blonde boy named Jerry Pre Malone

Wow you’re so sarcastic, such a Jerry

by Not_a_navigator May 21, 2019



Omg he’s sarcastic he’s such an Eric

by Eric is sarcastic February 1, 2019


Nah you're fine

Hym "So is the brunette you wife or something? I might have to reconsider the dinner offer.... But no, you're allowed to be sarcastic."

by Hym Iam July 31, 2023

1👍 1👎


What you should have said is "It's MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE for what I want in a partner"

Hym "Why? Because to the retard feminist liberals the word 'Preference' is like and EMP grenade. It shuts off their ability to argue their point. They can't ever contest the word 'Preference' because then they have to cede their fat cock 'preference' defense. And they won't ever do that. Sarcastic was a nice attempt."

by Hym Iam November 21, 2023

I’m a sarcastic cuck

Well, I wouldn’t have said it like that but ok...

Hym “That would have been a good clip. ‘I’m a sarcastic cuck!’ I really need to invest in some video editing softwares. But yeah, I’m sure getting paid by a billionaire to do a less-good job than me is great.”

by Hym Iam October 28, 2022

sarcastic heifer

Ironic (esp. self aware) description of someone who embraces their own jubilant wit and isn’t concerned with dismissive or sexist responses.

What a year to give up being a sarcastic heifer for Lent.

by Im not putting my lips on that March 13, 2022