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artificial sass

Your white friend's sass that he obtained by emulating your black friend.

"Don't you DARE *snaps*, lay a finger on my cupcake" . "Dude, quit it with the artificial sass".

by jakedictionary August 30, 2018

Stephen Sass

When a man takes all ten fingers in a upright position and only touches the tips together.

Wow, look at Stephen making the Stephen Sass with his fingers… what a sassy ass bitch.

by Sinep6969 January 16, 2023

Sass nap

After you've taken a nap and you're more sassy and more prone to bitchness than you were before the nap.

Becky: Ashley turn down your shitty music!!! If everyone wanted to listen we would have asked!!
Ashley: Omg Becky, wtf with the sass nap!

by CurlySue52 May 14, 2016

sass squashed

When your partner shoves a 48mm round squash into your vagina, as he is balllllls deep in your asshole ,causing your poor lil vagina to rip. Commenice the sassiness. Hench "Sass Squashed"... ****totally worth it****

In sassy tone, "Girl, today he totally sass squashed me! I think I might need medical attention!!! Please bulldoze the garden ASAP"!!

by Captain Long Dong Silver August 4, 2021

sass dots

when someone sends you those three dots. ...

when you are texting someone and they send three dots after the stuff they just said.

no one knows why they are sent this, but they just know that the other person is implying sass.

It is like those ramen noodle flavor packs, it adds some saltiness

Sally: Why are you always grudging?
Christy: ...
Sally: What?
Christy: ...
Sally: Why'd you just give me sass dots?
Christy: Your question was irrelevant...

by trapprincess July 7, 2015

Sass Dots

"..." Those are sass dots. They are used when someone is mad, or wants to sound sassy. It is used when someone doesn't want to say anything. It is a lot like a death glare, but in text form.

Julia gave me sass dots when I told her that her boyfriend smelled terrible.

by trapprincess July 7, 2015

sass bucket

a sweet, loving, caring, protective, amazing friend on the outside. but get really close with the sass bucket and you'll see how reckless, fun and the true daredevil they are. their true colours will shine through and make the best of friend for anyone. you see a bucket is tough and shiny on the outside but hollow or filled with shit on the inside... a sass bucket is very much like it except it is filled with the true colours of someone that can only be brought out by another sass bucket.

omg, who would've known that girl is such a sass bucket!

by oh puh-leeze July 6, 2018