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Petty attention seeker

They never let a situation die unless they get the last word, and they feel the need to prove themselves to their social group and other social groups associated with their lives cause they have no friends/life. Then, when their plan backfires, they usually try to get the authorities involved, claiming innocence .

people have nothing better to do so they are petty attention seeker to make there lives interesting

by Get a life August 2, 2016

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Attention seeker like Elesha Maybe

Fat โ€œJewishโ€ lier

The best lyrics in big el dis track is attention seeker like Elesha Maybe

by Yomumlol May 6, 2019

MAS (Male Attention Seeker)

Male Attention Seeker (Noun) Someone who craves specifically male attention. This is usually due to daddy issues. People suffering from MASD (Male Attention Seeking Disorder) will often view their own personality and beliefs as transitory and insignificant as they traverse the world seeking validation.

"My friend Amy was a communist. Then she started talking to this dude from reddit, now all she says is that women should stay at home and cook. That girl's a major MAS (Male Attention Seeker).

by penisshakes March 18, 2021

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Night Seeker

A person who is very white in color, and can usually be found playing basketball. They resemble the Night Seekers in the movie " I am Legend "

Leo: Hey Greg, do you see that Night Seeker trying to play basketball?

Greg: Yea, what a fool.. at least there aren't any Heat Seekers on the court, we would be toast!

by Randy Spieth January 22, 2011

Internet Attention Seeker

An internet attention seeker is somebody who will say something controversial just to get attention. They may attack the LGBTQ+ community or say something controversial such as "Pineapple on pizza is the best thing ever, anybody who disagrees sucks" and the tactics they use usually work. They are usually called a troll when somebody finds out the tactics, but the difference between a troll and an internet attention seeker is that the troll is not seeking any type of huge attention, and they will usually keep the trolls on the low.

"Stop being an internet attention seeker, twitter user"

by Czecho_Slovakia August 3, 2022

bug seeker

Someone who seeks to acquire an infectious disease, i.e. hep C, HIV, Lyme Disease in order to gain disability benefits.

Sally spent many hours in the woods during the summer hoping to get bitten by a tick! She is a bug seeker.

by vinniemilagro March 22, 2014

guardian seeker

i am an incel and a cuck
i suck tyrant off

dude that guy is totally a guardian seeker

by guardian sucker October 25, 2020