A word that comes up in every Kpop song and nobody knows what the fuck it means but hey, it sounds cool
"Shimmie Shimmie Ko Ko Bop, I think I like it" -EXO
When you have to unlock a door using a lockpick
"Damn, the door is locked. Looks like I gotta Shimmy my Jimmy!"
Shimmy Squak is a place in the clouds where I was born.
I am the king of Shimmy Squak.
Shimmy Squak is a city in the clouds. I was born there. It is not heaven tho.
Similar to it's cousin the mongolian slide, the shimmy is a less powerful mongolian courtship ritual that relies more on technique. Unlike the slide, the shimmy will break a pinky at most. The key to performing the shimmy relies more on your knowledge of advanced trigonometry to acquire the appropriate angle for maximum effect.
After the mongolian slide proved too intense for his back, our professor switched his main technique from the slide to the mongolian shimmy.
Similar to its cousin the mongolian slide, the mongolian shimmy is a courtship ritual used by mongolian warlords. The shimmy, unlike the slide, uses less power in favor of technique. The shimmy requires some advanced Trigonometry, and knowledge of piston engineering to perform adequately. Older mongolian warlords whose backs may not be fit to perform the slide will utilize the shimmy.
With his age too high, our professor could no longer perform the mongolian slide, so he used the mongolian shimmy instead.
A hand dance performed by a few sound blokes. Made in St Helens, it made its way over to the states and was absolutely raped in Miami. It will now diverge its was across the world to make itself known on a greater scale. The shimmy involves finding an NPC and dancing around them with your hands in the air. It may result in your phone being hurled across a room or you being physically removed from existence.
“Crowley is over there meat hook shimmying again”
“Shalalalalala ohhh meat hook shimmy”
“You won’t meat hook them birds over there will you, Bull?”
“We meat hook shimmy’d every cunt in the gaff”