A stupid purse and/or bag that looks like a cat, or has been destroyed by a cat
Can be found at H&M. Example: Shopping at H&M "do you like this bag?" "no it looks like a stupid cat-bag, like a shredder".
someone who desperatly needs a brace but has oral hygene so bad they get rejected by the dentist. so their oral health deteriorates until they have 'Shredders' Yellow, misplaced, missing goofy teeth. they are immensly reselient yet badly decayed, they are useful and the build up of plaque has doubled up as a protective coating so they are virtually indestructable
Man: ew that bird opened that bottle with her teeth.
Woman: she must have shredders
when the letty ain't ripping you know it's time to take a visit to the cheddar shredder.
the wings are growing a bit long pal, bout time to visit the cheddar shredder before those ferda wings lose their shine eh
a small child who has a severe addiction to eating spiral notebooks
yea, his son is a baby notebook shredder.
The act in which a hillbilly from Mississippi steals a hot muffler from his neighbor’s running car and uses it to violently circumcise himself.
I think Bill pulled a Mississippi Muffler Shredder instead of going to a regular doctor.
Another word for a "kook" in terms of water sports.
Man, that guy is really an anti-shredder, he can't even ride that wave.
someone who is addicted to stay in room and sit at one corner doing things he/she likes.
I went out the room, she's there. I came back, still there. Sophia is a corner shredder.