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Facebook Stalk

The act of stalking friends/foes on Facebook to see what they are up to. This varies from viewing profiles infrequently to full on stalkage of the Norman Bates kind. Helpful when you want to see what your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, ho and frienemies are up to.

Sabrina S. - Hey girl, why are you bummed?
Step - I went on Facebook and saw that Billy Bob's profile changed, he's in a relationship with that ho Jneen.
Sabrina - You need to chill the fuck out, and quit Facebook Stalking, damn.

by ssatanica April 7, 2009

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Facebook Stalking

Facebook Stalking, like regular stalking, allows the stalker to secretly gather information about the person they are interested in; the stalkee if you will. Unlike regular stalking, Facebook Stalking is less likely to have an illegal component and is generally accepted by it's voyeuristic victims. The argument being, that if you didn't want others to know about your life, you wouldn't post it all over the internet.

Person 1: Do you have a crush on Billy?

Person 2: I'm not sure yet, I need to go home and do some Facebook Stalking first.

by Jenny Caruso December 15, 2008

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cyber stalk

when you are obsessed with seeing what someone is up to and you check their myspace/facebook/twitter etc to see if they have any updates

Oh my gosh! Joe is too cute! I cyber stalk his myspace everyday to see if he added any new pictures! :O

by whydyouhavetogoandletitdie May 6, 2009

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Song stalking

The act of copying a certain contacts song over MSN, (or any other instant messaging service where their music is shown), and basically listening to whatever they listen to.

Used for finding new music, an insight to the contacts music tastes or just to creep the other person out, providing they're smart enough to realise.

Girl) Dude! wtf are you song stalking me? you've been listening to whatever im listening to for the past hour!
Guy) Shut up hoe

by mini_man 543 + slothness23 April 3, 2008

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gang stalking

Gang Stalking is stalking by more than one person to a victim, usually involving community harassment, or the "mob", using people from all backgrounds and vocations to harass, tracking 24/7, sometimes organizing lethal vehicle accidents, poisoinings, electronic harassment, home invasions/property destruction, corrupt or ignorant doctor diagnosis given to stamp the victim as bogus mentally ill with delusions, paranoi, or schizophrenia, etc. Everything is done covertly, and with a sophisticated real time dispatching system to organize the criminals' harassments and attacks, often in the hundreds to thousands of criminals participating as a coordinated mob at any given time while the criminals due their normal routines of work, shopping, commuting to and from work, leisure, etc., using the method of moving foot and vehicular surveillance techniques, and computers, cell phones, verbal and visual cues, and every other conceivable type of communication.

Often, the local network of this mob is connected to a national and international network - funding is done by illicit drug industry/crime syndicates, CRIMINALS working in:coroporate envioronment, and government sponsored terrorism for military weapons research using unconsenting human medical research testing linked to teaching/research hospitals. Practically all work environments and local communities have been compromised and set-up as a super domestic terrorism predator for mob antics- in every form of business, the government, and even police and fire departments and intelligence agencies. All of those entities have been reportedly ,on the internet and by victims accounts , to have been infiltrated with SOME of these numerous criminals willing to do this crime for money, greed, revenge, politics,war on the poor and disabled, psychological warfare and Direct Energy Weapons testing/research for contractors of phsychotronic equipment, and mind control operations. No place is immune from these criminal dirty birds, not even hospitals or police stations. These weapons, which omit various forms of Electromagnetic Frequency(EMF or RF:radio frequency), and other tactics are meant to mimic natural illness, and mental illness. Organ and cell damaging, Pictures and sounds, mind reading, and dream interogation can be achieved now by satellite delivery,CCTV, house wiring serving as a conductor, or even portable devices that are top secret and denied technology, but both the good guys and the bad guys have gotten their hands on them. They are used to sometimes drive a person's life into the ground, with hopes of the perfect unprovable crime results. These RF Weapons can cause Diabetes, cancer, and a host of other digestive and other terrible diseases. Remarkably, its not usual for some neighbors, co-workers, or family members to ALREADY be involved in these secret operations before a related victim is chosen to be attacked. That is a closely guarded secret, and hardly any person who is unfamiliar with gang stalking or mob organization and tactics would believe to be true. Often,person known by the victim are recruited before or after the victim even realizes what is happening, that his/her life has the problem of gang stalking. Some victims never figure out that they are being attacked covertly,even if they die, or who is the main person of group who desired the criminals to destroy the often innocent victims life. Corportate and influential well connected small business owners to politicians and the underworld can put a person on this list to be attacked by gang stalking, and the other criminal components that go along with it.There is belief that this crime, gang stalking, is often the underbelly, or dark side of "The New World Order" that the elder President George Bush spoke of in the early 1990's. New World Order is a push by Bush and his millions of partners to have the USA be the strongest leader in the new one world global government that is taking shape now, and already bascically exists in the illicit drug trade. George Bush believes in parnterships between the government and criminal syndicates as evidenced by the Iran-Contra War scandal. Gang Stalking increased dramatically starting under the elder George Bush Presidency, and continues growing exponentially like an evil cancer accross the world. There are thousands, if not millions of victims. For a relevant history, look up "The Dan Bolles Papers" on Google concerning the Charles Schuld case. Also, look up the "Ken Wilbourne,Jr" on Google that directs to the perfect.co.uk web site. Note: RF Weapons can be made by savvy electrical criminal from parts from electronic stores, and are used to make a beam weapon utilizing destructive ionizing radiation or microwaves into a persons house using precision for that one intended victim, can cause radiation sickness, as said cancer, and worse, even sudden death by heart attack, or brain stroke.

Eleanor White, and Liza Parker have websites concerning the crime of gang stalking, which needs to be better compentently addressed by law enforcement and new laws put on the books to protect innocent citizens from gang stalking, electronic harassment, and RF weapons. Uninformed people in society, and the criminals claim this "flash crime mob" tactics are not real......which is a lie right out of hell. See also: mindjustice.org , www.eharassment.ca, www.raven1.com, and "mind control forum". There is a saying: "Its better to light a candle than to curse the darkness". I believe in good government, not bad government laced with human rights abuse that the seemingly Nazi ties and family history President Bush has at his core. The Nazi Germany state believed some lives are not worth living, and committed attrocities on humans on a mass scale on behalf of the elite who were under a Satanic delusion. Senator Prescott Bush, the Grandfather of George Bush, financed Hitler's rise to power, along with his other partners. It's easy for me to see that the Iraq war is a lie. I voted for George Bush twice as I am a Christian,as I trust in Jesus Christ to be my savior to grant me enternal life, but I am no longer fooled this bad guy in disquiese, George Bush. He is an extremist for money and power for the himself and his elite partners and elite society. He just cut 50 billion dollars from the poor, disabled, and honest students. It's little wonder why USA is now called the Great Satan in the world under his leadership. World Trade Center Tower 7 fell without a plane attack?? Hmm.....interesting. Afghanistan opium production is up by 500 percent since USA Bush took influence according to Newsweek Magazine, and still climbing to the applause of some USA economists?? Hmm. Put it all together, what do you get??? God or mercy or some savior help us all. We have entered into a very dark period under George Bush, disquiesed as glib words such as "peace, democracy, prosperity, regime change,fight against terrorism, etc."!! Einstein said evil (such as Bush) would never prevail if good people would tell the truth. What a thief George Bush and my criminal relatives are is on my life, and also on the lives of so many other gang stalking and other terrorism victims of his regime across the world. (other reference, The Harold Groome,Jr-Wilbourne-Johnson Crime Family of Richmond, Virgnia.

by In memory of E.L. Wright November 20, 2005

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a person who hates on you because you have a stalker and they don't.

Daryl was hatin on me because i had a stalker and he never had a stalker... that would make him a bonifide stalk-hater.

by BlackPanther415 March 17, 2009

dry stalking

To "indirectly"cruise the Facebook or MySpace profile pics of a person with whom you may have had intimate relations, or an old bully from elementary school. It can be virtually anyone from your past that you don't really want to talk to, but you may want to see what they look like now.

A form of indirect virtual stalking.

"I was dry stalking Tina's Facebook pics, I heard she looks like shit now, but I didn't want to friend request her, it's not that serious!"

by DieDieElle December 27, 2011