Source Code

Alaskan Stinker

Whenever you defecate, freeze said human waste, and use it as a dildo.

girl: omg can we do an alaskan stinker?
guy: wtf no

by MyFriendsBroIsWeird August 7, 2024


a person named blessed

blessed your such a goofy stinker!

by goofystinker December 19, 2023


when someone is very mean and eats ur pizza rolls when you're not looking or something.

omggggggg ur such a big fattt STINKER U ATE MY PIZZA ROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by petergriffinlover24 December 13, 2018


When one is to release a ginormous fart out of the bum area.

I just released a big stinker

by That one guy who is like yeah November 11, 2022


An exam or test which is several orders of magnitude more difficult than expected. Stinkers typically cover content which was otherwise thought to be unimportant and irrelevant and are always significantly harder than any 'practice papers' or questions completed in class. Put simply, stinkers are the bane of all students.

Person 1: Imma get an easy A in maths next week!
Person 2: I wouldn't be so confident, it will probably be a real stinker.

by eureka7 December 6, 2020


A stinker is when a man shits in his hand and then uses it as a lubricant to jack off with . Or when shit is used as a lubricant for sexual intercourse

I prefer a stinker as opposed to jacking off dry. One because it's nice and warm and because that shit smell makes my dick swell

by Bigdickdaddy970 July 17, 2022


Literal definition: someone who has a terrible and smelly odor.
Slang term: generally used as an insult towards someone who is disliked

Wow, that guy smells like shit! What a stinker.

by Octobro915 January 29, 2025