Cody... I wrote a bible... Do you seriously think I don't know how a Christianity works? A 3rd of my screen time is apologetics and theology! What are you fucking talking about?
Shit-lib "They STOLE Christianity, guys! The only REALLY Christianity is whichever of the 40,000-55,000 denominations that don't conflict with my liberal social values!"
Hym "You know I wanted to add a 'DERRRR!' there, right? I wrote a bible Cody! The ULTIMATE hypertext! THE SUPER-OMEGA BIBLE SUPREME! In store now! $21.85! And that isn't a typo! There is only 1 store... That sells it! The ULTIMATE store! The only store than matters! You know the one!"
recieved or performed anal sex
Friend: hey Lisa how was your date with Matt?
Lisa: It was fairly regular, Matt stole home
used to refer to a person in a derogatory manner
stole my batch;the taking of a young man's virginity or v-card
I don't remember the name of the first girl who stole my batch.
Dark's search on a Discord Bot
Who Stole My Coffee!!
i told u i would steal ur bread
I stole ur cheese and i stole ur bread.