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stool shank

The glorious act of random hetrosexual anal sex. If the girl is bent over an actual barstool you get extra points.

"I met this Cum Tanker last night and within 20 minutes, I was stool shanking her over the pool table at the Double Down."

by SP00NS September 25, 2007

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stool pusher

n. A man, either homosexual or heterosexual who practices anal sex.

Dan the stool pusher had sex with a hooker last night.

by Jacriopkey December 23, 2008

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stool stealer

A comical name for a male homosexual (faggot) - much like the "back-door-bandit", suggests he steals fecal matter when he inserts his penis into another mans anus

John: "Whats with all these fuckin dirty stool stealers Ted?"
Ted: "I think we're in one of those fag bars John"
John: "How can you tell? They all look the same these days!"

by Kallum October 7, 2007

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Stool Pigeoned

(v.) When upon quickly leaving a rancid smelling public restroom, of which smell you are not responsible for, you are met with scorn and disdain from a person entering the restroom.

cf. "shat up"
The state of being accused for making a bathroom stench that was actually made by an earlier user.

To stool pigeon (trans.): to accuse wrongly another person of creating the foul stench in a public restroom as she/he leaves and you enter

On my way out of the men's room I was stool pigeoned by Dr. Farnsworth.

by craigb January 17, 2008

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bar stool

a less offensive way of saying BASTARD.

"You fucking bar stool"

by btuk December 27, 2007

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happy stool

A turd in the shape of a smiley face sitting in the bottom of the toilet bowl

"Honey, you gotta come and see my happy stool!"

by *xJennx* April 10, 2003

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waterborne stool

A waterborne stool is a stool passed in a running stream, ones podex is facing downstream and the water gently eases the stool out leaving no messy post stool detrius, the stream acts as natures midwife

Look mom, whats that bobbing downstream ? "looks like a 'waterborne stool ' to me son "

by crispygillbone September 5, 2014