w-w-w-w-wh-wh-w-when -y-y-y-y-y--y-y-y-y-y--y-y-y--y-you k-kk--kkkk-KKK-k-k-k-keep re-re-re-r-r-r-eer--re-r-e-repeating o-o-o-o-o-on-on-one l-l--l-l-l-ll--l-l-l--letter i-i-i-i-i-i-in a w--w-w---w--w-word
j-j-j-j-j-j-james: w-w-w-w-w-w-what u-u-u-u-up b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-broski
philip: your stutter is literally ass
something Joe Biden does a lot.
Random guy: "He really pauses halfway through words a lot!" Another random guy: "I guess he likes to stuu--u-uter (stutter.)"
When your mouth trips on words
Mike: Wayne can’t stop stuttering
Wayne: My name is W-W-Wayne W-W-Weare
Something that instantly invalidates your opinions
...yeah so t-t-t-thats my opin-
NOPE you had a stutter its invalid
Online Stuttering Disorder, or OSD for short is a disorder found in most users who use Discord. People with this disorder tend to stutter in their sentences, for e.g "I-" "wh-" "-" "you-".
Most people with OSD are in a Discord server called Regulate
You have OSD (Online Stuttering Disorder) stupid ass nigga
Refers to the glossy liquid left inside a stem when one smokes real good crack cocaine. Named as such because good product can make one lose control of their mouth.
Damn bro this shit is some of that stutter butter