Hym “Whatever you’ve deluded yourself into believing this is about aside, what it’s really about is submission. It’s about you having control over what you do to me regardless of when or not it violates my rights. What I want is irrelevant. I think you’ve been watching the boys too much. And I would rather live in hell than in a falsehood of an idiots creation. The game is over. You’re going to pick your price an pay it. That’s your only move. Mate in one.”
To be gay and fundle downstairs with another man aka being very gay and usually a marvel fan
Rico Kapons is submissioning a naked man
Someone who has a meek personality and is willing to do what others tell them. Submissive people are overly compliant and sometimes allow people to push them around.
Stop being so submissive, dude! you need to stand up for yourself.
You’re basically a bitch to somebody who not a bitch
I ain’t gon lie u a submissive bitch