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Sweaty Macintosh

The act of forcefully driving an apple into one's vagina while using it to masturbate. Afterwords, eating the apple.

Stay out! I'm trying to Sweaty Macintosh over here!

by ThiccSpaghett December 28, 2011

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Sweaty balls

A commonly misheard lyric from the popular Panic! At the Disco song "L.A. Devotee"

"Sweaty balls under desert skies"

by Allisonmcflurry December 22, 2016

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Sweaty Santa

Verb: When a couple is passionately 69'ing and the male is about to ejaculate, the duo flips over such that the male is on top. Immediately after flipping, the male shoves his erect penis deep inside the female's throat and deposits a massive amount of ejaculate; like Santa "cumming" down the chimney and leaving a "gift."

"I was 69'ing with the wife by the fire last night and I gave her the ole Sweaty Santa. Merry Christmas!"

by Sex Engineers October 4, 2017

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Sweaty Pit

Someone who does not use anti-perspirant. often puts arms in the air and reveals large arm pit stains.

Greg: What class do you have now?
Bobbi: Mrs. Robbins
Greg: Jeez, what a Sweaty Pit! Didn't anybody ever teach her how to apply anti-persperiant?

by Bobbi Jayyy March 29, 2009

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Sweaty Bastard

This term derives from the popular annual video game series 'Fifa'. It is used as a dig to describe a video gamer who ONLY scores sweaty(cheap) goals which normally consist of cut backs, double cut backs, lobbed though balls and one-two's...

A sweaty bastard loves footballers with preferably 90+ sprint speed and a formation with 5 at the back.

"You sweaty bastard, 'Insert Insult' " *Rage Quit*

A couple of youtube examples:

by PWride January 7, 2012

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sweaty machete

The act of having sex with an armpit is called a sweaty machete

That girl didnโ€™t shave her pits do I gave her a sweaty machete

by Tex biggin March 28, 2020

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sweaty swisher

the insertion of someone's testicles into another person's mouth, who then "swishes" them around with their tongue (usually in a circular motion).

The slumber party was a success only after the "drunken" teenager gave everyone a sweaty swisher in their sleep.

by HJMaster69 December 4, 2008

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