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system of a down

the best nu-metal band out there....if u dont like them, then u like pop or emo.......where the fuck did anyone get the idea of them being pop?

dumbass #1:"yeah i just heard brittany spears on the radio, shes my favorite pop singer"

dumbass #2:"OMG i think i head system of a down on that station!!!! they must be pop...i mean cuz B.Y.O.B. is SUCH a soft song with NO screaming!"

by youreallgay May 25, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

system of a down

One of the worse bands in the nu-metal scene. Yes. Nu-metal sucks. But not all nu-metal bands suck as as much as the axis of evil, slipknot, korn, SOAD, and some other shitty band I forgot.
It's actually amusing how some SOAD fans represented all "SOAD haters" as backstreet boy fans, or eminem/britney spears fans. Well, I'm not a fan of any of those above. But let me tell you this, the Backstreet Boys had a much larger impact on the 90ties pop music culture than SOAD had on any music scene in their whole career, and unlike SOAD, the Backstreet Boys have fucking talent.
And like SOAD is the "best metal band evar" or "omgz so hardcore", these posers and fugly faggoths are insulting the very air that metal fans breathe(although, it's a commonly known fact that 50% of the SOAD fans are the 9 million armenians around the world, regardless of what music they like, SOAD rocks(moar liek sucks), amirite?).

Faggoth:"Damn, Toxicity is so hardcore!"
Me:"Ever considered to wipe the smear of armenian cum off your ears and listen to some Kreator?"
Faggoth/Poser:"You asshole how can u insult SOAD I'm so gonna raep u kill u eat ur guts u fucker"

Poser:"System of a Down rocks!"
Any sensible person with taste in music:"GTFO."

by Flagofhate October 22, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

system of a down

A terrible political band no matter what your stance is. They are in fact sell-outs, despite popular opinion. They are currently under the Sony label who also owns other artists like Destiny's Child. Sony uses SOAD to get money from idiots who think they are rebellious to make up for the money the idiots won't spend on Destiny's Child or other Sony owned artists. Many also claim their lyrics are brilliant...counterpoint is below in the example.

My cock is much bigger than yours,
My cock can walk right through the door
With a feeling so pure..
It's got you screaming back for more

From the song Cigaro...see System of a Down is terrible.

by Jason King. September 29, 2005

147๐Ÿ‘ 428๐Ÿ‘Ž

system of a down

Another ripoff of Faith No More.

Boy Serj Tankian of System of a Down sounds like a stupid version of Mike Patton.

by Traveling Bob August 11, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž

system of a down

one of the best fucking bands in the world!!!!!!
if u dont like them, then ur just a preppy motherfucker who doesnt want to stray from the "in crowd" i mean, look at me, i used 2 be a prep and now im banging my head against the wall listening 3 SOAD, and im proud!!
System of a down isnt just some screaming band (look up the lyrics on ur comp, bitch!) that rocks about absolutely nothing, instead, theyre a very ritious band that goes on tours 4 charities and orphanages and whatnot while rocking about how bad porn, war, etc. is/amreicas mistakes.

What's so wrong about that?

Listen to:"Violent Pornography" and listen VERY care fully to the opening line of "B.Y.O.B." it says "WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOR?!?!?!?" of course, referring to war and how presidents dont fight them
To make my point clear, SOAD is a good band, and if u dont like them, then........................


guy standing on top of a skyscraper: SYSTEM OF A DOWN IS THE BEST FUCKING BAND IN THE WORLD!!!!!
50 Cent: BOOOOOOO, dogg, g, homie

And then 50 cent gets jumped on by little rabid squirrels and eaten alive

by bob June 16, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

System of a Down

A band that should of been preempted by the Armenian genocide. Supposedly unique but sounds like whiny, angsty numetal

consists of
Serj Tankian - Dadaist joke of a lyricist who can also wow people by bitching about the government

The Drummer - hits everything he can without actually knowing what the fuck he's doing

the bassist - hits the same two notes, goes for four if he feels ambitious

daron malakian - hailed as talented, but in reality can't play for shit and instead relies on trying to look cool for functionally retarded quasi punk/hippy scenesters

The angst-ridden teenager is listening to System of a Down

by lolarmenia December 30, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

system of a down

I'll admit i like some soad songs but i have to say, and this is in all seriousness (no hate toward the band), but their sound is just generally gay. And i can't think of a better word to describe it either. Gay. For example the guy(s) singing looks just... ridiculous. like a gay version of weird al. i could cite examples.. for example in BYOB the guy who screams sucks DICK at screaming and he looks like a fucking rodent. also it just sounds too bouncy and like... shit the singer says lalalalalalalala. just WATCH them... god... im sorry. no offense to the fans but something just strikes me as unbelievably UNheterosexual about them. (not to be a fag bigot either.. i just cant think of another word that describes them so perfectly). or that song bounce. GAY. (songs i like : chop suey. toxicity. forest. aerials. and the intro riff and first fill in the chorus riff of byob). anyway.. i just had to say it.. anyone agree?

Me: System of a Down is gay.
SOAD fan: fuck you
Me: no offense they just... are
SOAD fan pees on Me

by Brandon A August 31, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 405๐Ÿ‘Ž