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butterfly effect

The scientific theory that a single occurence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever.

1. A man travelled back in time to prehistoric ages and stepped on a butterfly, and the universe was entirely different when he got back.

2. The flap of a butterfly's wings changed the air around it so much that a tornado broke out two continents away.

by Jonah Rowley November 7, 2004

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butterfly fetish

Having immense love for Butterflies or Getting attracted to Butterflies!!

Uma Thurman: I had a thing for butterflies

Me: Butterfly Fetish!!

by dhanush33352 April 24, 2020

21๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boston Butterfly

When a man places his anus upon a frothy trollops vagina lips (preferably long meaty hangers getting blown into by a prolapsed anus). He then proceeds to blast ass into her baby tube. The meaty lips proceed to flap like a happy butterfly nectar sucker.

I just gave Alisa the best Boston Butterfly ever! Her lips were flapping like a wounded monarch!

by Ball Gag May 14, 2017

horny butterflies

When you love your significant other so much and the sex is so good you anticipate getting it on but you also get this amazing butterfly feeling that tells you its true love.

Babe, when I think about you I get the strangest horny butterflies.

by Kazia90 January 12, 2016

Social Butterfly

When a person is friends with a lot of people and can also make a lot of friends easily, and gets along with a lot of people

Jessica is literally an social butterfly, she gets along with everybody in our class.

by fulltimedreamgirl March 21, 2022

57๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

chocolate butterfly

the act of spray farting into the mouth of one's sexual partner

Gee willy, I sure felt randy after giving that girl a chocolate butterfly and then throwing her out of the window.

by Professor Bling April 9, 2007

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Butterfly Effect

The theory that even the smallest step one takes in his/her life can change the course of said life immensely. The name of this theory came to be when a Chaos Theory stated: "It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world."

Right vs. Left
Up vs. Down
Noon vs. Midnight

These choices, once chosen, are all examples of the Butterfly Effect and how one of these choices vs. another will affect one's life greatly.

by ButterflyEffect April 25, 2009

292๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž