You You (pronounced yoyo) is often seen having the You You Stare Syndrome or in short the YYSS. This is severe and can infect others into staring into air for indefinite amount of times. This causes him to freeze up and forget who he is, where he is and just continually look up into the air.
You You is often found playing ping pong with DA HOMIEZZ on the 2nd floor.
You You The One Who has no Clue is looking off into the air yet again bruh
And epic gamer friends with @Not_Keebler
Wow that epuc gamer flooz clues is epic
When making a selection from an unknown set of donuts, look for a doughnut clue such as fruit or cream. Such clue will be on the side of the donut
Yo! What kind of donut is this?
“Look for a donut clue on the side”