A normiefied meme, if you use it after january 2k18 you big gay and a retard
retarded normie: do you know da wae
you: jump of a bridge you fucking normie go kys, this would be a beter place without you.
a dead meme made for normies fags
normie boy: "do you knoe da wae"
meme artist: "niggy is you normie?"
Finally, Ugandan Knuckles and his queen and all her simps are found da wae of da Mandalore, simply joining Baby Yoda and Mando
Ugandan Knuckles : Do you know da wae of da Mandalore?
Mando : The Creed?
Ugandan Knuckles : ye, what is it?
Mando : This is the way
All Ugandans : This is da wae