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lesbian threesome

Every man's dream. When two girls join another and pleasure themselves right in front of you. If not, and you're a straight man, find any possibility of watching that. Because lesbian threesomes aren't heaven, man. That's legend-wait-for-it-fucking-dary! That's like being the king of the Universe, baby!

Aleisha and Kimberley always had a desire; to try same sex with each other. But, that day, things changed. Rita joined the group and you watched the whole scene. Pretty lucky, hein?!

The lesbian threesome is happening in my bed. But they locked the door and the windows! I can't even watch! Whoa, wait... give me that chainsaw!

by My Name Is 13 Cockroaches September 24, 2009

112πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

Heavens Threesome

The alternative to a Devils Threesome where instead of two guys and one girl there are two girls and one guy....this is the good kind (Hence the word heaven).

Ollie: Yeah I was thinking of having a threesome with Chloe and Elize

Jason: Dude thats a Heavens Threesome!

*Jason and Ollie high fives*

by JVaity July 4, 2010

19πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

the king's threesome

When a male engages in the act of sex with two lesbian who are also virgins.

You may have had a threesome with two girls but its nothing compared to the king's threesome.

by YesMan13 January 30, 2014

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Threesome hot

It is when a girl finds another girl so attractive that they would be willing to have a threesome.

Guy/Girl: What do you think of _______?
Girl: That chick is threesome hot!

by CrotchetyClaire July 13, 2013

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Threesome Day

October 12th is the day for threesomes, the day where three sexy people get together and have sexual intercourse and outercourse.

All members of the threesome must reach an orgasm.

tony: hey what are your plans for tomorrow?

annie: well, tomorrow is October 12th which is threesome day but me and ellie haven’t found a sexy boy to join our threesome yet would you wanna join?

tony: fuck yeah!

by dj sev October 11, 2020

Threesome Pyramid

A girl sits on a guys face while making out with another girl who is on the guys dick.

Me Tracy, and Sarah did the Threesome Pyramid all night.

by Doctor Hets March 1, 2021

Oklahoma threesome

An Oklahoma threesome involves a man, a goat and a pony. It usually involves the man having anal sex with the goat while the pony performs a rimjob on the man.

Ma caught shitty Bill having an Oklahoma threesome in the barn. He was feeding to the goat while the pony licked his heiny.

by Egor Gorginski July 31, 2017