The og iconic tweet posted by louis tomlinson saying "Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Yours sincerely, Louis" on 02/10/2011 after Harry Styles retweeted a tweet by a fan that said "if louis is happy with eleanor, then so am i. but spare a thought for harry, hes probably got a broken heart."
Larry is and always will be real bitches.
Larrie 1 : What do you think is the biggest larry proof of all times ?
Larrie 2 : Oh definitely the matching tattoos and the AIMH Tweet for me.
Trump responding to disparaging remarks from "dishonest media types "
Don't make me bitch tweet you and make you move your factory to USA
1) someone who tries to advertise porn via twitter
2) a spam account on twitter that is worth the literal equivalent of week old jizz
Much like how you can catch STDs from skanky people in real life, you can catch yourself some nasty computer diseases from everyday little tweet skeets.
1) balkrykjhg: Hilton,Briteny,and many more celebs, naked
2) oiugeskgh43: I MADE THOUSNDZ ON TWETRR!! link link link
"All my followers are tweet skeets... I need friends."
someone who steals tweets and gets more likes / retweets, commonly used on stan twitter
did you see saba and edar’s tweets on the timeline? it was the same as alex’s, they’re such a tweet stealer
one who steals tweets from your homepage
man, this tweet stealer is driving me nuts!
4👍 -1👎
A verb describing the process of reflexively posting and responding to Twitter tweets by pure spinal reflex -- without involvement of the brain. In serious cases, tweet twitchers may black out and discover hours of tweets they have no memory of making. Research suggests a possible connection to fugue states (which see).
Frequently, but not always, a binge of tweet twitching is followed by regret, remorse -- and, eventually, relapse.
1) Freaked abt post just tweet twitched. Must remember: just a slip. Am powerless ovr Twttr & life has become unmangeable.
2) Dude, XTREME tweet twitching last nite. Woke up w/out girlfriend & most BFFs.
When someone uses a hashtag on facebook, much to the annoyance of his/her friends. Usually results in unfriending of the person and or burning down of their house.
Fernando: Just got my license! #elated
Alejandro: stfu. Status tweets are not allowed.