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The link to urbandictionary's link to urbandictionary's main page

Wanna break the 4th wall?

by ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ July 11, 2023

6👍 1👎


A website where people either do

1) Look up words they know have gross definitions to make them more horny

2) sexualize completely innocent terms, so that if someone wants to search something normal, there’s a definition made by some horny frat boy

1) Adam: Did you know that urbandictionary.com has normal definitions?
Brad: No, I just look at the ones that’ll ruin my socks

2) Giana: I’m bored, do you wanna go ruin some innocent terms on urbandictionary.com?
Alice: Oh I do that all the time! Who do you think sexualized “Abraham Lincoln”?

by The De-veloper February 11, 2022


If this site is older than you, get the fuck off of it!

Wait..you're younger than urbandictionary.com?
Fuck no, I don't wanna catch a case!!

by Moxxxie February 10, 2021


A website that features the meaning of new slang words.

Guy: What does WTF mean?
Urbandictionary.com: What The Fuck

by xxalienz__ July 12, 2015


A website for many people that other’s can use and define what they think or what is a word a great community of people too (atleast 67%) and a lot of meme’s made 1999 used to have comment’s they removed it so that’s why I left for like years from this website bcuz it wasn’t fun anymore.

UrBanDictionary.com: it’s a nice day :)….. oh what does this button do *Deletes comments* oh….. (a few seconds later) NOOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYY (Trending on Twitter)

by Α January 25, 2022


A website where people of all age, sex, religion, color, favorite colors, favorite books, favorite foods, economic status, hair color, health, weight, height, favorite games, house sizes, opinions, political parties, moms, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and favorite memes, talk trash about each other’s, age, sex, religion, color, favorite colors, favorite books, favorite foods, economic status, hair color, health, weight, height, favorite games, house sizes, opinions, political parties, moms, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and favorite memes.

I am typing this definition on urbandictionary.com

by Cray Z chikenz May 30, 2019


the most genius website a dictionary and lots of jokes

i was amazed by urbandictionary.com and the hilarious answers

by lololololololololololol1234 October 6, 2019