The sickest band around. You should definetly check them out. They're metalcore.
Logan Barthomolew - vocals
Christian Grey - unclean vocals
Nick Totton - drums
Michael Ivers - guitar
Cody Pauly - guitar
Sean Wayne - bass
You really should get the new Villain of the Story album!
Where you get bum fucked by an Iden, Vader and Palpi all at the same time
Person 1: Wanna play Heroes Vs Villains
Person 2: Weirdo
Just base it on the Urban Dictionary guy
Hym "How to write a terrifying villain? Oh, geezers, I wouldn't know..."
An Ability in which Regardless of the situation or condition, this laughter will echo in any space.
- Note: Can cause a chill in your spine if heard.
Just Imagine Orochimaru doing a Villainous laughter.
An ultra campy and evil character that occurs in Disney films, usually with a sick theme tune.
I ate the last cookie, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm such a disney villain.
Someone double downing on their own villainry. A person whose villainous fuckery is top of the line foolishness.
A master at the art of creating villainous fuck shit at the expense of others.
You villainous fuck you. I'm just waiting on this villainous fuck to try some bullshit.
The musical duo of Twitch users Illutris & Davijak, parodied after Bran Van 3000
Bill: Have you listened to the Van Villains?
Joe: Are you talking about the rap duo from YayoDeLaRiva's streams?