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Vocal bible

Vocal bible

#vocal bible

by Bebe2017 December 24, 2021


Lack (w)of vocal "liminal"
like some barrier consited around silence

vocals are annoying

by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023


to speak out without hinderence

Charlie stressed to Cheryl and Melissa to vocalate often about handing off operational responsibilities

by Softwaredick December 21, 2022

harsh vocals

Screaming in music (specifically metal). NOT defined as "scremo". Scremo is usually used to describe poser bands who need to have better harsh vocals.

For Today I has strong harsh vocals.

by Ephphatha09 February 2, 2012

I.V.A Interesting Vocal adduction

The singy voice used in a general conversation to response/interactions with another person to make communication more interesting/dramatic.

I I.V.A Interesting Vocal adduction responded with" noooo, I don't want you to rub my feettttt" in my best singing voice. He said "it's fine, i will wait till you fall asleep..he's a weirdo but I get it.

by Sunnykittyshine December 23, 2018

vocal legend

Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury is the definition of a vocal legend, he is the greatest vocalist and singer of all time. He has a unique voice that can simply not be replicated. The most unique and most beautiful voice that has ever graced this earth.

Freddie Mercury could sing : opera, rock, pop an others kinds of music, a vocal legend.

by adelele March 12, 2019