Widmill warrior is when a male jumps on a table and procedes to spin his penis in a 360° motion
Damn i just windmill warriored this girls last week
When you are totally brain dead, and you are going in a cycle of lies that you fall for, such as very obviously fake television advertisements.
You must be completely fucking retarded for buying a Shark Ninja product, you have Windmill Brains.
A sexual act in which a small Hungarian woman rotates 365 degrees on a Hungarian Cock (*see Hungarian cock definition)
Zoltar - “Hey Anna, want to try the Hungarian Windmill tonight?”
Anna - “Yes! I’d love to spin around on your Hungarian cock!”
When two people sit face to face, one on the others lap and defecate into the toilet basin at the same time, legs spread in all four directions forming a windmill.
“Hey Gaz are you going to be long in there, I’m touching cloth here mate?”
“Sorry buddy I’m having a real battle with this one, I’ll be a while yet, but feel free to come on in and Dutch windmill with me if you can’t wait any longer.
The act of unleashing your biggest, wettest fart in your girl's face and then fanning the fumes by waving your penis around in a circle.
Debra said she wasn't in the mood. That all changed after I gave her a Minnesota Windmill.
When you go down on a girl and pull her tampon out with your teeth by the string and do the helicopter with it.
She stared blankly at me as I sprayed blood all over the room doing the Oklahoma windmill with her soaked tampon.
Hey girl, check this out you say with the string clenched between your teeth.
Hey man I gave your auntie the Oklahoma windmill last night.
The act of which a female called the "Pole" (fully shaven and naked) covers herself it grease or oil, then doing a head stand puts her legs in a pike position, while a male called the "Blade" (also fully shaven and naked) covers himself in grease then inserts himself inside the "Pole's" vagina, then forms himself in a planking position, two other people called "Twerlers" (doesn't matter male or female) then sit on both sides of the figure that the "Pole" and the " blade" have made and spin the "Blade" in a counter-clockwise direction as fast as they can, sort of like a windmill. It is said so be pleasure full experience for the whole family.
Guy 1: Hey, Bill wanted us to come to his house tonight.
Guy 2: He probably wanted us to be the "Twerlers" in The Greasy Windmill.
Guy 1: Lets Do It!!