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Just the best.

Random Person 1: Whats your name?
Best Person in the World: Windsor <3

by PoofyQ June 21, 2018


A little town it New York where all the rednecks hide to do their meth and everyone's shooting up heroin. Nothing much to do here unless you wanna see someone fucking their cousin.

Dude stay out of Windsor those people are crazy.

by Itsme2015 December 11, 2017

Windsor Wash

When a spoon isn't at hand, one must finger wet wipes and dip finger into peanut butter. He/She must then proceed to slurp pb off of finger.

guy1: dude! We don't have any spoons. Windsor Wash it!
guy2: *cheaahh brooo*

by first nigga November 5, 2014


Plaintiff demanding evidence from the defendant in court.

Was embarrassing to see that Harriet windsored in the Supreme court.

by Texron July 5, 2023