An word referring to the chest of a male or female individual. Alternative to saying breasts, honkers, titties, ect. There are absolutely no grammar rules.
rose: sam winchester chitty wong in my face?
taylor: chitty wong hairy or shaved
rose: hairy chitty wong😏
1) A large penis
2) A tall Asian man
1) I’ve got a long wong
2) Ching Chong Ding Dong is a long wong
Addison Wong is a girl that you will love forever, she’ll become your favorite person to ever be around as you can even just sit with her for a couple hours and not once will you think about how much time you’ve been sitting and having been bored in any case. Addison Wong is the funniest person that you will ever meet, being with her you’ll become happier than ever. Addison Wong is the girl that you’ll love forever and want to be with forever and she’s the most precious person ever,
I love you Addison Wong <33
-Your 4 Lifer ;D
Guy 1: Bro I’m looking for someone with the initial’s AW and their first name contains a,n,d,i,n and they can make me laugh and smile
Guy 2: You should talk to Addison Wong, she’ll be the perfect one to satisfy ur wantings
The girl with the PHATTEST ass you've ever seen like straight-up badonc a donc. She yo mama, cuz her ass so fat even Dora couldn't explore it. SHE WILL TAKE YO MANS, YO MAMA, YO DOG AND YO MAMA'S MAN'S DOG. She a washed-up ABG BEWARE.
'Get yourself a Tiffany wong, she's got the biggest heart (o o).
A wingwan when on the prowl for oriental chicks
Wongman is a friend that takes care of the ugly fatty friend or other oriental friend who is with the oriental fitty (usually an 8 or a 9) you want to get with.
The Wongman is also responsible for endorsing and elaborating on any crap you mention to the bird during the evening.
If you say you are a pilot your Wongman is forced to back up that story and any other bullsh1t you tell the oriental fitty.
Will was trying to pull a stunning Vietnamese girl however her cock blocking friend was in the way. Paul the wong man kindly stepped in and chatted up her ugly oriental friend Mei - taking one for the team in the process. This allowed Will to nail her friend.
Chai Wong, usually refered to as a vegan bacon, is a dish of dried kelp thas is soaked in tea while being roasted. This dish originated in northern Thailand in 1348, and spread its way up into southern China where it got spread around the world.
Later in 2021, Chai Wong got popularized by the swedish minecraft server Octonia SMP and Gronos Pizzeria was the first place to sell Chai Wong, along the Gronos canal.
Tjena Sibbe! Vill du köpa Chai Wong?
Jajamensan, det är min favorit rätt!
A weird,funny,quiet at times,that friend that will always be there for you (sometimes) and always will be amazing!
You are so doris wong!!