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Time for you to get a watch!

A joke commonly used on friends who do not own or are wearing a watch. Does not make sense to say it when someone does have a watch.

Friend: What time is it?
You: Time for you to get a watch!

by ChampionG December 21, 2016

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Don't get your sugar where you get your dough

I don't date coworkers.

That new girl is cute. I might ask her out.

Dude, don't get your sugar where you get your dough.

by Florida Honey January 23, 2017

back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up

When you say something wrong, stupid, or threatening, and get threatened.

Jeff: yo girl is ugly asf
Ethan: better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up g

by ezra24 April 3, 2023

You wouldn't get this in France

This expression is frequently used at public meetings taking place in localities across the whole of the UK. A meeting will be called to discuss such contentious issues as the removal of gypsy/travellers' sites or the influx of immigrant workers into a given community and, as tempers flare and fists shake, the shout will invariably go up: "You wouldn't get this in France!"

An allusion to France in the positive can be said to be unusual in Gall-hating Britain, but most Brits will concede a begruding respect for French militancy and people mobilisation during national debates - the roadblocks that kept petrol prices from going up being one example. Also, British people so applauded the outlawing of muslim headgear in French schools that the enmity of centuries could be felt to thaw almost over night. Therefore "You wouldn't get this in France" is an indirect form of the blanket, scapegoating racism I've become accustomed to in both countries.

Chair: So I've tabled a motion for keeping the travellers' site right on your semi-detached doorsteps.
Angry braying Uk homeowners: You wouldn't get this in France. I'm off to get my pitchfork.

by DPMars October 6, 2006

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you wanna get dead?

A goofy way to warn someone of the concequences if something is not done or they are in trouble.

guy 1: damnit I forgot about that project.

guy 2: but it's due today.

guy 1: whatever.

guy 2: you wanna get dead?

guy 1: 0.0

by annnnonnnnymous September 4, 2011

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Do you want ants? Because, that's how you get ants!

A phrase quoted be Malory Archer and her son Sterling on the FX and FXX show Archer.

Sterling: Oh, is that what you want?

Lana: Yup

Sterling: Because that's how you get ants!

Malory: Why are there donuts everywhere?

Sterling: Lana did that

Lana: I....

Malory: Do you want ants? Because, that's how you get ants!

by Viscount Druitt September 14, 2021

get you to the moon

get you to the moon means you will never give up on that person. through thick and thin.

iโ€™ll get you to the moon.

by not here April 8, 2019

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