Take the L sToOpId means that your basically saying HA! YOU LOST!! TAKE THE LOSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
TAKE THE L STOOPID. (Jobany beat Jennifer in a game of cup pong, and Jobany used to word(s) TAKE THE L STOOPID)
if you typed this, you are darn bored
Person: I'm so bored
Person: I'm gonna type in `1234567890-=\poiuytrewqazxsdcfvgbnhjmmk,l.;'/
Edrine or Ely is a very thoughtful person. He is very good at listening to someone's problem or rants and he'll help you to build your confidence. Ely can always make you feel so beautiful and loved.
I wish I have Edrine L. Sarmiento
A Dee Penney is not just a BADASS he is the baddest of all badasses. There is no exception to this ever! In fact he is such a badass most people call him the Pirate of all pirates the only ones who don’t are know as bitches! The Dee Penney will be respected.
The Dee. L Penney is the baddest, of all badasses no exceptions.
F- flat
A- ass
L- loose
P- pussy
Hey I fucked your mom she has a F,A,L,P