A worthless bumb who don't care about family and spreads syphilis to his girlfriend while she pregnant and always leaves the door open and won't fight if knows he will get ass kicked and always wants money for nothing and bisexual
A word often used to describe the appearance, or scent of a female I'm a negative form.
Guy 1: I was drunk last night, Sarah and I hooked up.
Guy 2: Gross man! Sarah is Dank.
Of dankerosity and mildly adequate.
"Make America dank again!"
Wanna watch some dank memes?
used to describe a meme of extremely high quality
Here, you'll find only the dankest of memes.
1) damp or humid; 2) popular or in style.
Her flute was dank because she forgot her flute swab.
Anyone using this word should be publicly executed for the sin they committed