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Hipster Head Bob

The bobbing of the head that crowds do at a show when they don't know what else to do with themselves; approval of the show, or complete confusion and puzzlement of how their bodies should move, react, and connect.

OMG! I wanted to dance so bad, but with all the Hipster Head Bobbing people, I couldn't, I might just overwhelm them with my slight variety of moves that involve other parts of my body but my head!

by Micolo April 1, 2011

16👍 41👎

Hipster tramp stamp

A tattoo just above the waistline of high waisted pants, typically worn by hipsters

Anna had a hipster tramp stamp before it was cool

by Molly ringworm May 26, 2014

2👍 4👎

dystopian hipster theme park

the subtitle for Detroit, Michigan for the last twenty plus years. Also where professional athletes who's teams get blown out / routed in the early rounds of their respective league playoffs go to drown their sorrows.

Welcome to Detroit, your dystopian hipster theme park getaway ! Just look up every once in awhile to avoid being hit by falling broken concrete or rusted out steel beams.

Commercial Voice Over : Hey Joe Blow, your team just got the shit kicked out of it in the first round of the playoffs. What are you gonna do next ?
Joe Blow : Well I sure as hell ain't going to Disneyland now, am I ? Guess I'll head me over to the dystopian hipster theme park and smoke me some crack and chug cheap-ass wine !

by Virgin Suicides May 9, 2017

212👍 38👎

Hipster (YouKnowWhatImean'sDefinition) 2/2

...Sociologically speaking it would make sense. The more the artist gains clout the more people he/she/they would have to appeal to, leaving them with the inevitable ultimatum of conforming to their massive appeal and compromising artistic integrity or maintaining their initial incentives of creating music. More often than not they conform to their collective fan base's tastes and become popular music with a twist, AKA POP/Mainstream, leaving the fan base anxious to retreat to a more obscure and eccentric way of life and eventually the abandoning the band's that helped them construct this temporary identity they were so thrilled about in the first place. At their best, Hipsters can catalyze a new fashion sense countering the mentality of inclining towards high end fashion labels and undermining these stereotypical brand names while also helping drive unrecognized well-deserved musicians to their respectable recognizable positions within the music industry and lifting a genre into greater credibility. At their worst, they can taint an artist and perhaps even a genre itself with a never-ending obsessive quest to construct an identity of non-conformity as Corporations catch on and exploit this insecure tendency and kill off the passion found within the genre along with their questionably sincere principles that drove such hype to begin with.

Hip Hop Purist: ...I don't know, I think Talib Kweli *can* integrate both suburban white kids and oppressed black males with genuine empathy and sincere consideration. But who knows, maybe it is just trendy to be a conscious emcee.

Hip Hop Hipster: ... Whatever. Wolf Gang is the shit. Wolf Gang all day every day ...

Indie Listener: ...I don't think, personally, that Arcade Fire sounds like some 80's pop synthesizer ish. I mean, they do use that synthesizer thing and it's blowing up within the whole Indie movement, if you wanna call it a movement, but they're not hiding behind the synthesizer. They're keeping it real. In my opinion. Plus they are going about disillusioning, if you will, religion and what not. You don't see that too often with Indie. Usually they're just too caught up with sounding different that they'll lose their message and forget why they started singing to begin with. You know?

Indie Hipster: Yeah. I don't know... I mean, Yeah, I know what you're talking about BUT I'd just rather listen to Wolf Parade.... did you hear the new Radiohead?

Hipster (YouKnowWhatImean'sDefinition) 2/2

by Y.K.W.I.M June 24, 2011

12👍 16👎

depressed, complicated hipster act

An often repeated theatrical routine performed by certain types of hipsters, which is consciously and meticulously rehearsed in advance. While everyone experiences depression, and experiences it in different ways, hipsters often seek to externalize their negative emotions in a manner designed to give the impression that they are more complicated and interesting than the everyday, garden variety hipster. Recurring themes include: sprinkling conversation with Keats references, wearing tight-fitting and threadbare Joy Division t-shirts, and getting inebriated on expensive cognacs every single night of the week. As with all hipster routines, the ‘depressed, complicated hipster act’ is nothing more than a tiresome fashion aesthetic, as well as a pretentious, stilted attempt at projecting a unique persona.

Normal dude #1: Should we call Simon and see if he wants to grab a burger and a few beers?

Normal dude #2: Actually, Simon doesn’t eat anymore—it’s his latest thing. And, no, don’t call him. I’m getting tired of his depressed, complicated hipster act. We can’t afford to drink in his bars, anyway.

by Morrish Windshor May 7, 2011

5👍 6👎

Hipsterel [hippie] [hipster] [gangster] [rebel]

person that is which a hippie/hipster, gangster, n rebel all in one.

That person acts just like a hipsterel hippie hipster gangster rebel

by Who Cares 123 January 27, 2009

9👍 5👎

Hipster Points

The points one receives for every hipster-like thing they do.

Abbreviation: HP

You gain 10 Hipster Points for having a Tumblr account, and 100 bonus points for having had it before Tumblr was cool.

by Flucka April 6, 2012