We remember the good old days of Worldwide when it was at his prime... during the time of Zabrang, Kenny, SAS, Lexy, Enoch, Sammy, Alisha, Joan, Pascal, Oma, Erna... Whatever happened to days hun.. the times of Sammy and Kenny fights, Lexy and Zabrang love, Lexy cringeness, Kenny and SAS Vawulence, SAS Rizz, Enoch and Pascal shyness, Oma's Love andddd Erna.... that time Pascal had low Rizz and kinda unknown to him Erna had a crush on him. We all loves those dayss but i think we all agree the person we miss this most was Kenny, yeah.... Kenny was a true Vibe and a "sexy girl". Now to answer this question what really happened to those days, well we have a lot of answers to that...
1. Existence of U.O.F
2. Sammy's Foolishness
3. Ineffectiveness of the Admins
4. Kenny.......
yeahh..... there's enough blame to go around. we all miss those days. am sure almost of the current worldwide would be so confused rii now but only GODS would understand. we all want those moments back.
History of worldwide part10
We all know Precious one of the admins of worldwide. We remember the time she dated Benji.. yes those where the days they had a lot of fun with each other jisting, hugging even kissing. but one day it all disappeared do u wanna know why? well this answer would be posted on the FEELERS 2 group
# History of Worldwide 2 pt 5
It's a shocker why no one has talked about OMA's disappearance... either no one knows about the reason yet or ppl show ignorance for some reason.. so let's talk about this... Days ago when Oma was just starting to get along with sammy. Oma's mum decided to search Oma's phone on that Sunday.. It was so bad for Oma. Oma's mum found out that Sammy had been talking about breast on the group. When Oma's mom saw this, she gave Sammy the life speech of all time using Oma's phone, she confronted sammy using the exact words 'at this age what do you know about breast' 'please do not dm this line again' 'unless you want to see me in your father's house'. It may seem that Oma's mom confronted Sammy only Although this may be true but unikely. Oma's mom had removed Oma from every Whatsapp Group including WORLDWIDE. This information is so classified that it would be posted on FEELERS 2 group chat and let me tell you this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for part 2 of Sammy's reaction
# History of Worldwide
Worldwide has been around for months as we know worldwide Was first originated on 21th of July 2022 by Sammy, and now worldwide is one of the most popular group chat *you know* worldwide got their participants from TikTok which 60% of the group came from and within a week Worldwide started growing... Worldwide first participant was Charles Martins which he is no longer in worldwide due to some reasons. Sammy got his inspiration of creating worldwide from another called "besties forever" am sure u guys didn't know all this we would go further next time
The history of Worldwide part 1
The act of wiping ones rusty Sherif badge after a hard wired or WI-Fi down load
Have been for a hard wired down load in there the big roll is rough I felt like not Clearing history
Getting raped because your race mixer. Referring to the shower scene in the movie "American History X".
Dude 1: "Wow, you hear Jared got American History X'd in prison?"
Dude 2: "Yeah man, that was messed up. All because he hung out with a Mexican dude."
The nightly, weekly, monthly relationship/situationship drama series that airs in syndication inside your brain after a break up. A furtive preoccupation for closure when there is none. The unsolved mystery of the relationship breakdown.
My “Uresolved History”of finding out the viagra that gave him the stroke was taken the day after he had sex with you leads to obsessive social media searches for validation and closure
Does Donna want to go out tonight? No, she’s stalking her exes Facebook trying to sort out their unresolved history.