Johnny Kurniawan likes haircuts in cukur Bogor , he often comes to stop by Bogor Because Bogor is everything to him, he really likes Bogor, what more if he has a haircut he likes Brandon the most
Johnny Kurniawan
man with big balls
phat asscheeks
person 1: hey johnny tinkleberry the 38th
johnny: big balls
The biggest but actually the smallest cunt you'll ever meet. Wishes he was a ferg but will always be a tiny little johnny knobhead tudor.
You're such a Johnny Tudor you're the smallest massive cunt I've ever come across
Also an extremely sensitive little bitch that packs less punch than a thalidomide toddler
You're such a Johnny Tudor I knew you would get upset by pointing out the truth.
A Johnny nigger fingers he/she/they are usually under the influence of mood altering substance(s) and relentlessly pilfer through your belongings.
I left that Johnny nigger fingers alone in my bathroom, low & behold my medicine cabinet is empty and my toilet paper is gone
Hiding in the closet while your friends get in trouble, and once they find you, you act like you don't know whats going on.
Did you hear what joe did, he got caught pulling a johnnie. What a dickhead.
you KNOW what this means!
Johnny: I dont know what that means...
Me: You're Literally Johnny Hernandez-ing Right Now