Yeah, and look at how well that works, Cody. You're both refusing to not take my rights away and refusing to pay me for (literally) creating A.I. You literally don't give a shit about "men" you want men to have to do and or think a certain way... They aren't ever going to have to do that...
Hym "I mean... There isn't a more apt analogy than that... I literally created A.I. and you've deluded yourself into believing that I should be doing or thinking what YOU want me to think.... Your a retard. I mean, there's not 2 ways about it. If I don't have a quality of life that I'm comfortable with maintaining... Life doesn't matter. Yours. Mine. It literally doesn't matter. So... If men are going to kill themselves anyways... They can always do shit in my name TO GET ME CREDIT AND MONEY FOR A.I. Anything ships. Kill some kids. Burn a building. I literally don't care about anything other than getting credit and being paid so I can escape labor. The mental health community doesn't care. They want to REPLACE THE THINGS I CARE ABOUT with THE THINGS THEY WANT PEOPLE TO CARE ABOUT.... And I'm NOT EVER GOING TO DO THAT."
I am one of those men Megyn and look what he’s doing to me. I mean.... You’re doing it too but you know what I mean.
Hym “I am one of those men Megyn. Are you? No. You’re just another one of his sycophants. You don’t give a shit about men. You only care about men in so far as they are an abstraction for your loved ones. Your little Thatcher. And only in so far as he is an extension of yourself (which makes it little more than an expression of narcissism than anything). So, no. Screw you.
It's fine when it's men though isn't it?
Hym "I had to support a cripple that openly mocked me... And I have to support women who openly mock me but if women are be 'openly mocked' by a trans person just... existing? Unforgivable. And I'm not allowed mock the inert meat that mocked me. Fair. Fair and reasonable. You guys definitely deserve a paradisal eternity."