The act of looking for thots on the street, Derived from "plane-spotting", which is the act of watching and taking pictures of planes. Thot-spotting is essentially the same thing.
Ryan: Yo, see that thot over there?
Bill: Yup, what about it?
Ryan: This place has a lot of those. It's perfect for thot-spotting all day.
A place where doctors hang out; A place where you can find hot, young, doctors.
My mom wants me to marry a doctor, so I went to a doc spot to find a bae.
I just started my new job at the hospital so my coworkers took me to a doc spot to meet everyone.
Jacobs spots are an enigma never question it just accept it although he looks like a cheeta and jumps like a kangaroo they still classify him as human he is a new breed of human a spotted one
Have you seen Jacobs spots yet?
The best parking spot in an entire parking lot that is discovered to be free and then taken just as you pull into the lot. A parking spot can only be considered a "Venuti Spot" when one finds it immediately upon entering the lot; if one drives around a lot for some time the spot is not considered a Venuti Spot, as time and effort were wasted looking for it. Upon pulling into the spot, one exclaims, "Venuti Spot!"
"I can't believe we came to the mall on December 24th. Wait - look - Venuti Spot!"
Desirable public parking spot, typically up front and center.
I went to the movies last night and can't believe I snagged an Ernie spot.
The yellow-brown stains that collect on the armpits of a shirt. It can occur on any type of shirt, but primarily refers to white v-neck undershirts, as worn by the prophet Al Bundy.
Jeff, "Why don't you try washing your shirts with bleach. You got some serious Bundy spots going on."
Matt, "I know."