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pimp shizit

awesome, fancy, cool, or tasteful

Those new rims are the pimp shizit.
These apples are the pimp shiznit.

by Killa a.k.a. LJ February 11, 2004

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silent pimp

A Silent Pimp is a young lady who keeps various guys on the side. These can be ex boyfriends, old friends, etc. Most silent pimping is done via txt msg and/or email,
but can also take place on websites such as Myspace.com.

Here are a few signs that you might have a silent pimp on your hands:

1. deletes her txt msg and call history
2. constantly checks her phone for txt or calls
3. refers to ex boyfriends as a "friend"

Remember Wendy from High School? She was a huge silent pimp.

by Doug Masters January 3, 2008

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weekend pimp

A weekend pimp is typically an adult between the ages of 25 and 40. A weekend pimp typically has a full time, well paying, meaningful career, limiting the time they can spend at the clubs or time searching for hos. During the weekend pimps days off work they go out and try to pick up members of the opposite sex.

"Do you think Paul is going out with us Thursday?"

"Nah, Paul's a weekend pimp. You know he's got to be at work Friday morning. Maybe Saturday night."

by topherb May 9, 2008

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Used to describe an exquisite article of clothing or attire. An exceptional or unique garment or fashion accessory, with tremendous detail. May be used as a trans-gender term.

Man, Your watch is really pimp!

Those shoes that she was wearing were pretty pimp.

by JFK JR. November 24, 2005

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1.what wiggers or ghetto people use to describe sumthing that they like

2. a hooker/sluts boss

i think that when people use definition one its fucking annoying, but i thought id difine it.

1.man that shiz was hella pimp back ther homie!!!

2. youre arrested for pimping multiple woman around the united states.

by Ben Copeland June 21, 2006

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Pimp Hand

Having control of yar women is indicative of a strong Pimp Hand. You must never show a weak Pimp Hand with the ladies of they will not respect ya.

Homie has a strong Pimp Hand

by Jph February 15, 2005

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pimp nod

When you cock your head to one side, twist your your mouth to the opposite side and nod slowly. Usually accompanies a gang sign or some other ghetto hand gesture. Used mainly by rappers in their videos or by guys trying to impress the ladies.

Yo did you catch Trevor, he was tryin' to give Cherisse the pimp nod but she flicked him off

by Pearlz November 7, 2007

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