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hollywood straight

A person who lives their public life as a straight person, but is really gay. His/her close friends and family know, but no one else. closeted, in the closet, gay, lesbian, on the down low

Yeah, John is hollywood straight, he goes out with hot models, but has a boyfriend named Tom that he sees on the side.

by joecoolthefool November 6, 2015

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straight playa

being honest and telling it the way it is

I'ma keep it straight playa- Snoop Dogg

by whathehellletmeusethename February 2, 2010

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Bellmead straight

A worthless (or empty) poker hand that would have been a straight except it had teeth (cards) missing. Example 3,4,6,7,8. Residents of an impoverished community outside Waco, Tx. often have teeth missing.

Well , I was drawing to a flush , but wound up with a Bellmead straight.

by Murphythelaw August 1, 2018

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Greek Straight

(adjective) Someone who engages in homosexual activity but is never the "receiver" during anal sex. In Greece you were only considered gay if you were the receiving party, hence Greek Straight.

"He looks cute, is he gay?"
"Kind of, he is Greek Straight."

by ThatsRealNeato October 27, 2014

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Straight Martini

a martini (any kind) served in a highball or other glass to avoid the stuffy (gay) image of drinking from a martini glass. easier not to spill too.

Martini glass = Gay
Regular glass = Straight

Straight Martini - ill take a straight dirty martini, i might get my ass kicked in a place like this walking around with a martini glass

by LoDoSi June 9, 2011

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Straight Pussy

Someone who is, in the full sense of the word, a pussy

Guy #1: Bro did you see Nolan today??
Guy #2: Yeah he's a Straight Pussy.

by The Mac Daddy Yall December 19, 2018

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straight girl

that girl who leads on lesbians 2 get the D

lez: i<3 u
straight girl: Shh that lez mustn't know alls I want is the D

by suck_my_d33 June 29, 2021

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