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West Virginia University

noun: The place where before football games a cop hands you a cup for beer, and says "Enjoy the game", where it is becoming acceptable to burn couches and drink with professors. The place where everyone is 21 no matter what your REAL ID says. Occassionally attend class, and when you do you are still hungover or drunk. Sadly where you have to depend on a crappy transportation system, the PRT which is guarnteed to make you late for class. And no matter where you go its uphill BOTH ways.

West Virginia University: Where Greatness is learned and Couches are burned

by Kelly Fletcher February 12, 2005

435πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

West Side

Used to refer to an inhabitant of the West Side (predominately Hispanic) of San Antonio. Sometimes said with pride, although can be offensive...depends on the person and how it is meant.

"If you're not careful, I'll go West Side on you!"

"Ugh! She is SO West Side!"

by Reeko Swahvay October 10, 2003

8πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

The West Wing

Aaron Sorkins masterpiece which promulgated the stipulation of liberal righteousness in US politics. Starring Marting Sheen and various other liberal douches, the politics of this show were vividly pathetic however the dialogue was insightful and witty.

Postives: Donna Moss was a hoe and CJ Craig was a dyke
Negatives: The writing staff all voted for Kerry

The West wing is the greatest political drama of all time.

by rockin eddie BBBBB November 5, 2005

13πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

West Greene Highschool

West Greene Highschool is located in East Tn. Unlike the other inbred schools that surround them the buttfuck buffaloes are rugged, tough, and they won’t fuck their cousin unless it’s by marriage. Of course they drive their lifted trucks and tractors to school as it shows every one else that they have the biggest dicks this side of the crack house. They wear cowboy boots and shit covered pants to school in order to show the ladies they aren’t afraid of a little stink in the pink. They dip, smoke, drink, and fuck their way to victory in all walks of life. If you ever decide it’s a good idea to pick a fight with one of these red neck bastards then you should know that they don’t fight fair. Pick a fight with one of them then you pick a fight with all their other hillbilly nigger hating friends. However if your lucky enough to get a one on one with these pricks then they will probably gouge your right eye out and stomp your left nut in. If you still want to fuck with one of them then they will probably buttfuck you in front of your mother as she records the whole hienis scene and then posts it on pornhub. So that pretty much sums up these hillbilly fuckers. Go to West Greene so you won’t end up working in a meth lab, YOU’LL BE RUNNING IT.


BREAKING NEWS: A West Greene Highschool student was caught robbing a liquor store in the nude as he proceeded to use his dick as a weapon.

by Mr. Wordy Mann November 16, 2018

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

West Middle School

where fake ass snakes fuck around with a ton of guys. the teachers are on some drugs and are always dick riding everyone. everyone at the school act so fruity and are ode annoying. this school also makes anyone want to commit die.

β€œyo what school do you go to?”
β€œugh west middle school. it sucks ass my dude”

by supkiddies44 January 3, 2019

43πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

West Elm Caleb

A man who puts in minimal effort yet still manages to date all of New York City. Defeated by seamoss girlies January 17, 2022

Mike is such a west elm Caleb, he ghosts every girl he goes out with.

by seamonkey January 20, 2022

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Riding West of Texas

Having sex, but having it a little on the kinky side. This may include, but is not limited to sex chairs, sex toys, lotions and/or creams.

This originated from the laws against sex toys in Texas.

Girl 1: "What are you doing tonight"
Girl 2: "I'm riding west of Texas. Wanna come?"

by Susie Aberksen January 24, 2008

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž