Matthew’s hot,amazing,caring,smart,gentle,intelligent,brave,pretty,awsome,beautiful,passionate,gorgeous,and cute girlfriend/future wife.
Someone who doesn’t consume media. Is lokey kinda scary. Opposite of an incel. Prone to biting people and is obsessed with carrots. Her life goal is to get carotenemia. She likes the colour orange.
She hasn’t seen Bridgeton, what a Grace.
grace is awesome and a little amish boy and good at driving
Person 1: Grace is such a cool and crazy person
Grace is super pretty and nice and no one can replace grace and a great singer!
Grace, a beautiful, intelligent, gentle, sarcastic, brave, annoying, hysterical, just an all around glorious person. They have the best smile and best advice ever. Supportive and caring. Easy going. Grace is friends with anyone and will support you 100% in any decision you make.. She is sometimes mature, but other times she acts like a 4 year old crazy child!
“That 4.
The most beautiful and talented hard working single mom of twin boys.
Dude 1: hey man is that grace? Why don’t you ask her out?
Dude 2: yeah dude my heart skips a beat every time I see her. I would if I thought I was good enough for a woman of her caliber.
Grace is the loveliest person even tho she looks like a little Italian boy, everyone loves grace especially nyree and requis <3
grace has hot brother and insest