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what's the homework

the thing that you say or text to your crush when you have no idea how to start a conversation otherwise because you are shy and socially awkward. You really don't actually care what the homework is, you just have no idea how to confront this person otherwise because they don't know that you exist and it would be weird to just start a conversation with a stranger, out of the blue, by just saying hi. This question is usually used towards people named William. Anyone names William should be hot. Or actually Zachary too, but I'll go into more depth about people's name definitions in other definitions so stay tuned and follow me at Instagram adrianabrule

girl: Hey Will what's the homework?
William: There's that algebra paper
girl: oh, I'm struggling with that, can you help me
William: it's kind of hard to tutor over text
girl: that's ok we can just twerk at the library
William: oooh twerking sounds fun
girl: I meant work, but whatever you want
William: do you want to come to my house instead? We can do our work, then have some fun under the covers. my parents aren't home ;)
girl: whatever you say, babe

by i wish my crush liked me back November 20, 2017

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what's smackin?

A formal greeting that dates back to 17th century England.

What's smackin? Your mom says you smoke! Let's get to our battle stations! Do you skateboard while you smoke?

by B_Butler November 27, 2006

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whats good

It means whats up or how are you

Hello whats good

by Adam June 22, 2003

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whats gucci

derived from the original rapper "Gucci Mang". the term "whats gucci" can be used to replace : whats up, how are you, or what are you doing today. it is a very hood term and is mostly used by tall skinny black kids.

-hey man whats up?
-nuthin at all bro, whats gucci wit you?

by Pootsky August 11, 2011

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What the problem is

An absolutely hilarious interrogative question directed to any person when asking "What is the problem?"

I don't go to schoo anymo' what the problem is?!!?!??

by Not Zane September 17, 2004

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What It Do

"What It DO" is a term coined in The Bay Area (Oakland) CA by Oak native Keak Da Sneak Aka "Z-Kush" (also known for creatin' the term Hyphy). The Term was used to asked a Dude at a side show, what his muscle car could do? i.e Doughnuts Fishtale...ect!!! The term was later loosely used throughout the Bay Area as a term to ask a homie how he's doing. (What's up?, What's Crackin'?, What's good? What it is?...ect) Keak Coined this term before Paul wall's wack A** was even in the Rap Game! Houston Bit "What it do" from The Bay and tried to run with it and call it their own! Much like how the rest of Bay Area Slang is pirated! Slang Capitol USA is Da Bay! Frisco, Oaktown, V-Town, Sac-Town, San Jo, Da Rich... Ya'll can Borrow But GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE!!!

Original Meaning:
Ace: Dope scrapper Cutty, What It Do?
Smiley: Doughnuts Homie!
Ace: Do da danm thang then Pimpin', fo' them Penelopies come!

Later term:
Ace: Yo "What It Do" Homes?
Sleepy: Nothin' Homie, Just kickin' it!

by Frisco Kid! April 11, 2009

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wha what

term to describre anything exciting, sexually explicit, drug related.

also a casual greeting, or general response.

-inspired by woo woo

"Did you hook up with Shayna"?
-Wha What

"Im off work, Wha What!"

We gonna chill tonight? "Wha What"

by Daniel Victor December 22, 2003

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