When you get your doonies beaten down so hard that you get your dome rocked. Such a violent thrusting motion can only achieve such an accomplishment.
Dahmer: "Bro where were you last night???"
Epstein: "Sorry bro some guy at a bar Abd al-malik'ed me hard last night"
Dahmer: "Oh?"
Ginger Ale is a cheaper version of Sprite.
Man: hey pass me a sprite.
other man: ok, *passes ginger ale*
Man:hey!, this isn’t a sprite
The pussy juices a redhead produces.
His dick was drowning in my ginger ale.
Your the hottest person on the planet and you came here cause you tried the remove the first and last letter of your name so your name is tala
It can mean "of" or "the" in a person's name. For example, "al-Baghdadi" means you are from Baghdad.
Or it can mean you're from a certain tribe or house. If your last name is al-Nahyan, it means you're part of the house or tribe of Nahyan.
Muhammad al-Ghazali is a great Muslim writer.