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I'm all dick.

To be as horny as hell, to be in such heat that you can't stop it from erecting.

Dude 1: Look at those hookers with busty hooters!!!
Dude 2: Oh man, stop talking to me. I'm all dick.

by Demon 33 October 4, 2013

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All Flash No Cash

People who spend money that they do not have.
People who spend money on the wrong things.

Sam: Yo man, what do you think of Cody? He dress fresh , doesn't he?

Charan: Idk man, he's "All Flash No Cash"

Sam: Word

by Snapperjack Williams August 4, 2011

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All Time Low

The best band ever. For real. You should definitely check them out. They call themselves pop-punk..and they're amazing.

Alex Gaskarth-Vocals and guitar
Jack Barakat-Guitar
Rian Dawson-Drums
Zack Merrick-Bass
(then there are some other sweet people, but they're a secret)

The Three Words to Remember When Dealing With the End (2004)
Put Up or Shut Up (2006)
The Party Scene (2005)
So Wrong, It's Right (2007)

"I totally just found the best band ever on MySpace. They're called All Time Low. If you don't check them out, you're a douche!"

by StxStns&Sarah November 2, 2007

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A YouTube For All of Us

A ridiculous doublespeak policy initiated by YouTube on December, 2, 2008, which basically is a way for YouTube to slit their own throat. They now look for videos that contain profanity or whatever (which should be fine because it's not TV, it's YouTube, it's the fucking Internet, and YouTube is the last mainstream forum of self-expression that hasn't fallen victim to political or moral correctness like TV and radio has), and start censoring them by removing their views and sometimes flat-out deleting videos and accounts.

One of the first people to draw attention to it on YouTube was The Amazing Atheist, who explained the dishonesty of such a censorship policy, and that in reality censorship will ruin YouTube, not make it better.

And I don't give a fuck if it's their site and they can do whatever they want. The community of YouTube made it what it is, it's not like YouTube will jump down to being a random porn site just because a few people express themselves by saying "fuck".

A wise user named TheeStranger explained that because Google bought YouTube, they needed to keep foul-mouthed real people like you and me off of the front page of YouTube by "algorithmically demoting" the videos, and promoting fake corporate bullshit like Fred and High School Musical and all kinds of stupid shit that's being advertised. It's only fair that there should be one place that doesn't have to be aimed at a certain audience, where people can express themselves however the fuck they want. That should be YouTube, after we made it what it is. The Internet may not be a place for kids, so the fuck what? The responsibility lies with the parents, they don't have to fucking sculpture everyone else so their virgin ears don't get hurt.

What YouTube doesn't realize is that people will start going to other sites to express themselves with this authoritarian bullshit, and YouTube will fall. That's just how it is, if YouTube doesn't pull the knife from it's throat, it'll just bleed out and they'll have done it themselves.

A Sheepish YouTuber Who Kisses Ass to the Policies: youtube needs censorship, lol, its their site they can do what they want!

A YouTuber Who Doesn't Take Free Speech For Granted: Are you listening to yourself? Quit kissing their ass and realize that they're murdering the last well-known place of free expression that hasn't been dumbed down for the masses, and that this will get worse if we don't come to terms with what YouTube has done for our culture. We must voice ourselves and our opinions, because it's who we are, not everybody can vent in public places, YouTube is the last public forum where people are better at being themselves, and that we should defend the right. Sure, they own the site, but we made it what it is. It's wrong that they should use us, loose us then deny us what's rightfully ours. I mean, if you can't realize that about a website, are you ever gonna be prepared to fight for free speech for a nation? This "A YouTube For All of Us" policy contradicts itself, because it's not about all of us at all, it's about their corporation and their youth target audience of stupid eleven year old Disney channel girls.

Sheepish YouTuber: lolz iz their site they can do what they want!!

Free-Thinking YouTuber: *sigh*

by TheLiberalWhoIsACatholic March 29, 2009

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all killer, no filler

A music album with no bad tracks on it.

The (insert name of band here)'s latest album is all killer, no filler.

by The Camden Lexicographer November 22, 2017

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All-Madden Bullshit

When You Try your Hardest to win on all-madden, this is called all-madden bullshit. When your QB throws 6 INT'S One Game, Your RB Only gets 2 yards a play, The CPU Wide Reciever Catches every f*cking pass, The CPU QB Completes every F*cking pass, Etc Etc

P.S: This is only intended as a joke for pissed off all-madden users that constantly lose like me when The CPU Is doing less work and The User is doing all of the work.

Ex 1: Oh WTF Dude! That's my 4th INT. ALL-MADDEN BS!
EX 2: Damnit! Frank Gore Running over Javon Kearse. ALL MADDEN BS!
Ex 3: Holy Crap I'm Actually winning 7 to nothing on All-Madden! NOOOOOO! Kenny threw an INT at the goal line and they ran it back for six?!? ALL-MADDEN BS!

All-Madden Bullshit

by BigBusinessAllDay September 18, 2009

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All Balls No Chain

All Balls No Chain, or abnc, is a very difficult sexual manuever that requires focus, a high threshold for nut pain, nutsack-eye coordination, and most importantly - extremely saggy nuts. While engaged in doggy position, the female may experience more pleasure from the male's droopy ball sack swinging forward, slapping and stimulating her clitoris - even more pleasurable than the actual penetration itself. At this point she will beg him to abnc her, swatting away that pesky dick and demand that he only use his grandfather clock nuts, rendering his limp pencil dick useless. The male may experience pain to his balls due to the constant vag slappings.

Sam: Yo bro i heard you chilled with Maria last night, did you nail her?

Dave: Well, not exactly but something like that

Sam: What? Did you get it in or not?

Dave: At first yeah, but eventually she wanted me to finish her off by way of abnc

Sam: Oh nice, you definitely have those perfect droopy donkey nuts for a solid all balls no chain

Dave: Thanks man

by SoggyBottoms11 November 26, 2011

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