noun: the bumps that are located either on the rolls or just the back of a deacon's neck
When you bump your boobs together with someone else, typically on purpose, similar to a "chest bump".
That was sick... BOOB BUMP!!
Let's do a boob bump!
Playing music loudly, ideally on some nice speakers.
Yo, I just finished work...come through with some bud and let's bump cuts, I got the new RTJ album on wax!
When you see a homie that you have not seen in awhile and you go in for pseudo hug, but one of you shifts your footing and you accidently bump your hang downs.
John sees mike..
john: hey bro
mike: sup fool!
(dudes go in for a bro hug)
Mike: damn bro, you just lost your footing and package bumped me!
john: my bad, son
Taking a small or quick dose of any type of drug.
" Hey bro, you wanna smoke out when we get off work tonight?"
" Ahh man, I gotta work late but if you wanna load me a bump I could take it real quick on my break"
"I'm going to bump his drink",
"Mate I can't believe you bumped my drink".