A bunch of KGB spies of their snowflake division monitor everything you post or say and put you in the Facebook Gulag without a trial or appeal. This is one small step towards communism
Facebook community standards
For-front of a future legitimized fictitious business name and paid for verified business license with devotion looking out for and protecting the channelization of People who are microphones and speakers, inner side and exoside. Will be a licensed LLC that is devoted to raising money, investing in wellfare, defending the declaration that enabled the USA to be for so long, protmoting the neopolitical as well as preserving the most ethically essential mebers of judicial system, sentate, and congress, war skills, and of inner states and Federation of United States of America.
A Future Founder: ({Kyle Benton Alexander Eughenious Yoke Slate Euhgene Rog Follow Attair})
Communicating Outside Boundaries has put in effort.
A fraternal friend group of five chads that produces comics: Prox, Tqr, S00cuk, Marco, Niv.
Bro, have you seen the new comic from the Commune of Comics Industries (CCI)
No, I haven't,
Dude, you're missing out man.
A community pool is a place where it is public to the whole town and you can pay a yearly membership to go.
We are going to the community pool for the Fourth of July
The name of a wonderful cult started by Klaus Hargreeves, also includes sex swings.
Person: what the fuck is going on over there?
Me: oh, that’s just Klaus’s cult, the alternative spiritual community
A literal piece of shit.
1st reason: Some people make fun of the language other people speak.
2nd reason: When someone is being harrased no one helps and always says “I don’t know man” Like bruh that’s literally the most useless thing someone can say in the world.
3rd reason: Some people accuse you of supporting someone bad.
4th reason: People dislike bot your Youtube Channel when you literally do nothing bad.
5th reason: People will upload hate videos of you on YouTube.
6th reason: Someone will call you gay just because you did the same thing they did.
And i could go on and on listing all the reasons why it’s bad…
So kids, Don’t join the Gemmy Community, It’s a toxic hazard full of toxic kids.
Another Derogatory term to call white people
“The only people who decide to shoot up a school are members of the chlorine community“