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Dylan Dauzat

Starting YouTube when he was 15, Dylan has now over 500k subscribers. He's extremly sweet to his fans and supporters. His little sister is sometimes featured in his videos. By the way, he is not single, he is my boyfriend so back off!

Me: Siri, look for synonims of "perfection"
Siri: Pinkberry, Starbucks, Dylan Dauzat, Red Panda. Need any more?

by xoxo Meg March 16, 2016

1👍 4👎

bob dylan

One of the most influential poets and musicians of the 20th century. His songs are characterized by his signature harmonica and raspy voice. His lyrics are brilliant and his music is moving.

Bob Dylan is sexy.
bob Dylan is better than you.

by Morganster January 19, 2008

82👍 1231👎

Dylan Christopher Thomsen

The love and entire being of my entire life and soul. He’s a life saver and a generous loving and caring man. Taken forever by Summer Tignanelli.

Dylan Christopher Thomsen is taken

by Summer Tignanelli May 28, 2021

Casual Sex Dylan

A pretty good friend, probably works part time on a ukulele farm.

"Damn I don't know how to handle this guy I'm hooking up with."
"Ask Casual Sex Dylan, he's a pro!"

by 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphet March 16, 2022

Jack dylan Grazer

The definition of an Angel

Person 1 : did you see jack dylan grazer ?
Person 2 : Who ? That sex god over there ?

by Romey Grazer October 22, 2020

Jack Dylan grazer

The most adorable curly haired person in the world

Charles: omg it’s jack Dylan grazer!!
Willow: the cutest curly haired boy ever omggg!!

by Jackdylangrazerlover January 21, 2021

Bob Dylan

Played a character named Alias in Sam Peckinpah's masterpeice, "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid".

Watch Bob Dylan throw a knife in "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid".

Good movie, see the un-cut version.

by Ookpick GooseFrubba August 17, 2005

164👍 1252👎