El Rodeo School is the place where you go to if your retarted. There is a lot of persians and asians at El Rodeo. Don’t forget about the dumbass teachers there.
Person one:
Hey Isn’t El Rodeo better than all of the other schools?
Person two: Yes, There is a lot of asians and retarted teachers! Don’t forget about the dumbass persians
El Rodeo School is the place where you go to if your retarted. There is a lot of persians and asians at El Rodeo. Don’t forget about the dumbass teachers there.
Zein el din is the skinniest motherfucker in the world. He is usually pared with the word “pussy”. He is very smart but very weak. Usually doesn’t have a lot of money but uses the money he gets on drugs. He also likes things in his butt and says the n-word a lot.
Oh look, zein el dins skinny ass is coming.
el moncho sexual is who someone who really likes sugar daddys ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
oh boy im a el moncho sexual!
oh thats cool im a good sugar daddy
(hot and attracted)
It's a Spanish-language variation of "dope" in its meaning of "cool" , "good", "great", etc. with the "loco" part of the expression only there because it rhymes with "dopo", wrongfully represented as "dopeo" in a separate entry (instead of "dope-o")
- My godmother bought me a new car for my graduation.
- Oh, dude! That's dopeo
- Yea, man. That's el dopo loco!
Supergirl. Superman's older cousin who's kinda younger than him. She pretty much went into a black whole when she was older than him, but she was in there so long she became younger than him, and she sucks at doing what Superman does best, saving people.
Did you know Supergirl's real name is Kara Zor-El?
A driving maneuver in which an individual of class and taste accelerates through a left turn by reaching through the driver's-side window, grasping a conveniently located streetlight pole, and swinging herself (and car) 720° around said pole, thereby launching her car forward at a briefly supersonic speed.
"Holy shit, did you hear the sonic boom when that individual of class and taste pulled that sick El Chapo Slingshot?"