When you shed a tear but still want her. When she ignores you and you still think the world of her. When she loves another boy but you smile and say, "I'm happy for you," when all you do is... Cry.
I truly love her but I don't like her boyfriend.
love has no labels❤️
you can love somebody even if they are diffrent
A feeling you have towards A certain person/ people that you will go above and beyond for.
something that works, love is when you truly can sit there even in the worse of times and say "she's/he's mine and I love them for them"
love is when they just know what to do to make you smile when they know you've been having a bad day so they do their best to fix it. love can be the most amazing thing ever.
and true love that's when even though they've hurt you or they've done terrible stuff you still love them (don't confuse that with harm) I still love him even though he loves her...
- love is kind
-love is sweet
-love is helpful
Something Justin says to Kate instead of “I love you”
Kate: “Love you have a great day”
Justin: Loves
1👍 1👎
Our hearts have chosen…
Who makes them grow…
We are stuck together…
Always and forever ❤️❤️❤️
We have no say…
As our hearts will have their way…
Our love is here to stay!!!
one thing please understand…
I love You!!!!
When you hear me
Say these words of three…
Any doubts you have…
Will be set free…
I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
26👍 42👎
God d amn I hope it never happens to you ..because only a small percentage of people will find the one in billions that truly loves them back to the muddled definition of the word and stay with them. Respect and envy to the lucky ones..for us that love someone that hurt us and will never come back..Respect to you. You had something irreplaceable and lost it..and nothing will ever satisfy but that one person that lives on perfectly happy without you.
Love is not for the light hearted.
19👍 26👎