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space landing

When a guy takes a crap in a chick's vag.

Todd & Sheri are going home so Todd can do a space landing on Sheri.

by LilScubaGirl October 30, 2005

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Space Cock

Legend has it if you say this word at least 9 times in the bathroom alone with the lights off while spinning in circles wearing nothing but spongebob underwear, the ghost of the royal and lovely chicken will visit you and grant you 88 buckets of fried chicken and an blow up sex doll.

Bob was feeling really lonely one night so he decided to hit up one of his friends named Peter. Peter told him the legend of Space Cock which had Bob shook :0 bob then decided to put on his spongebob undies and summon the ghost of the royal and lovely chicken. He wasnโ€™t lonely anymore as he had 88 buckets of fried chicken and his new sex doll friend Patricia.

by Hot pizza lover 6669 February 28, 2018

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Space Cock

When a loyal nigga finds any phenomenon which has a chance of being cursed speak this holy word to be blessed by the holy homie in three persons


BigNigga saw some strange objects sticking out of the ground and began to chant โ€œSpace Cockโ€

From the heavens, the holy homie blessed him with fifteen family buckets of fried chicken

BigNigga lived on to have three children with his wife. He died from diabetes at age fourty-eight weighing sevenhundred pounds

by ElevenInchesFlacid February 27, 2018

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Space Roach

A Space Roach is a modern day moon cricket. A Space Roach is defined as an ignorant inner-city dweller living off the government and partaking in a variety of illegal activities. Commonly directed blacks.

All those damn Space Roaches keep taking our tax dollars and spending it on rims for their tahoe!

by anonymous peckerwood May 18, 2017

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Space dude

When a liar gets caught in his own facebook web of deception he is now known as "space dude"

Omg! He is such a space dude trying to fool debatables like that.

by Adddamspace August 28, 2019

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Space queen

Girl that got her shit together and will fuck your simple perception of life beyond comprehension

I thought I could trick this bitch out but she turned out to be a space queen and exposed my fuckboy ass

by selfawaretrash May 31, 2019

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My Space

One of the coolest places on the web ;)An online community in wich you can meet thousandas of people from all over the world. It lets you create and fully customize your profile page, and even IM and create blogs.

Aren't you that punk girl in "my friends" from My Space?!


by rafarafa July 15, 2005

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