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Same thing if you stop and think about it.

"What? Communism & nazism aren't exactly good things in life. Where's the money?"

by Dave November 30, 2004

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nazi hitler

Your mom's sweaty shmeckle in a middle aged man in roller skates asshole

Joshua the loser that won't give me his last name loves nazi hitler

by Alex Bongabooce March 5, 2017

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pot nazi

someone by the name of Darrell that hates on someone else's love of the hurb, the gonya, the green, pot. has a hatred of those who seek to be stoned and takes precautions to eliminate one's quest for baking it up.

Darrell the biggest pot Nazi I've ever known and he should be punished to the fullest exist of the law.

by murraygirl32 May 11, 2015

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Badge Nazi

A Badge Nazi is a man who masturbates over military badges while cruising military badge forums looking for prey. They most likely have an inferior badge collection to their peers and are predominately single or divorced. The few who have partners have usually brainwashed them. Although they claim to be hetrosexual they like their woman in men's military uniform and will only have sex doggy style. A Badge Nazi never believe's he's wrong but if things don't go to plan or if he feels threatned he'll get his Badge Nazi mates to back him up.

It was only when I disagreed with him that I realised he was a Badge Nazi

by Oskar Schindler April 21, 2011

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Sloppy Nazi

when the big toe stimulates the clitoris of a female, and then slides into the vagina, thus resulting into a sloppy nazi.

This bitch came all over my foot when i performed a Sloppy Nazi on her.

by Mr. Self Facial November 25, 2006

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Pretzel Nazi

n. one who displays the qualties of a Nazi while at the same time robbing others of simple pleasures (i.e. eating pretzels)

by Pretty Gundam WANG August 13, 2003

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library nazi

A sexually frustrated woman who converts bottled up sexual energy into energy spent turning the library into a mini dictatorship. She will badger library goers with pedantic and pointless rules such as, "No sitting on the tables" and "No grunting noises". To sum up, library nazis are generally undesirable women with large ghetto arses.

Tabitha is the epitome of a library nazi

by Babaoube June 2, 2006

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