annoying thing
when people
send you
a message
a few words
at a time
…forcing you to wait and wait until their message ends up looking like a wise, ancient scroll inciting needless drama and anticipation to their communication like it’s some sort of top secret briefing.
- Did Jim not text you about tonight?
- Yeah, but it was all in one of his thumb dribbles that went on and on, so I stopped reading it.
Like a green thumb, but for baking. Also anything involving sugar.
Have you tried Karen's desserts? She has a sweet thumb.
A Women with a clit the size of a average size thumb
"I was banging this chick and the whole i could feel her thumb cunt pressing against me"
A dumb ass cunt that has their thumb shoved to far up their ass.
That Karen over there is a thumb cunt.
When one watches too many reels, the thumb(usually left) get cramped, that is called a Reeler's Thumb
Hey man I can't catch a break, the reels now a day are so good they gave me a Reeler's Thumb.
The use of one's thumbs to herd cows on your ipod in the game Cows vs. Aliens. Whereas, on the ipad, the use of all fingers is possible.
My wife is prolific at "Thumb Herding," on her ipod Touch, while playing Cows vs. Aliens.
What is required to type multiple sentences on to a smart phone. Or, the time one takes to type on a smart phone uses their thumb breath. If you're getting tired of typing on your phone, you're out of thumb breath.
Save your thumb breath, I'm not reading your message right now.